LACES 2022 Lezioni Avanzate di Campi E Stringhe Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Arcetri Italy November, 28th - December, 16th |
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The aim of the school is to bring together PhD students with interests in Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Supergravity and related topics, and help them building a solid and specialised background on recent developments in theoretical physics.
Application to the school is open, and should be done through the registration page. Please note that unless new restrictions will be imposed, the school will be held in presence only. The topics covered this year include:
CFT approaches to amplitudes Bissi Agnese, Di Pietro Lorenzo, Emparan Roberto, Gaberdiel Matthias, Razamat Shlomo. The courses will be part of the Italian Ph.D. training program for the universities that have joined the initiative. For this purpose there will be the possibility of a final exam with the lecturers. |
Organisers: Alice Bernamonti Agnese Bissi Davide Cassani Carlo Maccaferri Noppadol Mekareeya |
Secretary: Annalisa Anichini Alessandra GentiliMauro Morandini Housing: Mirella Ridi Computer assistance: Alessio Attardi |
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