Researchers planning to carry on their research activity at the GGI on a regular basis, with minimum residence time of two months per year can apply for the GGI Affiliated Membership by filling this form.
The applicants are requested to indicate up to three keywords related to the research themes of their proposed activity and eventually a list of collaborators at the GGI. Affiliated members will acknowledge the GGI in their publications relative to the affiliation period.
The applications are reviewed by the Center Council every two months. The affiliated memberships are for a one-year period renewable.
Affiliated Members list
Name | Institution | Keyword(s) |
Daniele Barducci | Roma La Sapienza | Beyond the Standard Model Phenomenology |
Alice Bernamonti | University of Florence, Florence | Holography
Measures of entanglement and complexity Conformal field theory |
Francesco Bigazzi | INFN Firenze | Gauge/gravity correspondence
String Theory QCD |
Andrea Cappelli | INFN | conformal field theory
effective field theory topological phases of matter |
Filippo Colomo | INFN, Florence | Statistical Field Theory
Quantum Integrability Random surfaces and limit shape phenomena |
Aldo Cotrone | University of Florence | String theory
Quantum field theories Holographic correspondence |
Francesco D'Eramo | University of Padua & INFN Padua | dark matter |
Federico Galli | INFN Firenze | Holography
CFT Entanglement |
Valentina Giangreco Puletti | University of Iceland, Reykjavik | gauge/gravity duality
entanglement QFT |
Luca Griguolo | SMFI, Parma University and INFN Parma | Nonperturbative aspects of QFT
AdS/CFT and dynamics of supersymmetric theories String theory |
Maria Paola Lombardo | Firenze INFN | Strongly coupled gauge theories
Phases of Strong Interactions Lattice Field Theory |
Dario Martelli | Università di Torino | Gauge/gravity duality
Supergravity Supersymmetric field theories |
Giuliano Panico | University of Florence and INFN Florence | Beyond the Standard Model
Higgs physics Collider phenomenology |
Giuseppe Policastro | Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris | Holographic correspondence
Quantum Information QFT |
Michele Redi | INFN, Firenze | Beyond the Standard Model
Dark Matter Early Universe |
Filippo Sala | LPTHE, Paris | Dark Matter
Particle Cosmology Collider Physics |
Domenico Seminara | Department of Physics and Astronomy, Florence | Supersymmetric theories
Holography conformal field theories |
Alessandro Sfondrini | Padova Univeristy | Integrable models
Conformal Field Theory AdS/CFT |
Luca Tagliacozzo | ICCUB Barcelona | Gauge theories in low dimensions
Conformal field theory Entanglement |
Marco Tarlini | INFN Sezione di Firenze | Quantization of Poisson manifolds
Bihamiltonian systems and integrability Noncommutative geometry |
Andrea Tesi | INFN, Firenze | Beyond Standard Model Physics
Early Universe Dark Matter |
Erik Tonni | SISSA, Trieste | Entanglement in quantum systems
gauge/gravity correspondence conformal field theory |
Diego Trancanelli | UniMORE & INFN Bologna & Univ. of São Paulo | Gauge/gravity duality
Supersymmetric gauge theories Quantum field theory |