
Simons Visiting Program at GGI

Simons Visiting Program at GGI

The GGI has been awarded the Simons Foundation Targeted Grant to Institutes.

It is the second time that GGI wins the Simons funding call. The selected scientific proposal concerns various activities to be carried out at GGI over the next three years (2024-2027). In particular, the Simons Visiting Program covers three different types of collaboration with the GGI activities: long-term visits by scientists, the participation of eminent scientists in workshops organized at GGI, initiatives to increase the participation of young researchers, and doctoral students from institutions with limited funding. Furthermore, a partnership is established for the development of the Pollica Physics Centre, a recently established institute which organizes theoretical and mathematical physics workshops. The contribution from the Simons Foundation will complement institutional funding, supporting specific actions for the scientific mission of the GGI.

The scientists and students supported by the grant funds will provide a brief summary of their research activitie and the list of publications and presentations in which the Simons Foundation is acknowledged.

The three activities outlined by the "Simons Visiting Program at GGI" are the following:

Long-term visiting scientists

Thanks to the Simons Foundation grant, the GGI provides long-term visiting positions (1-6 months each). The GGI offers an ideal environment for favoring collaborations and scientific exchange. The visiting scientists may take advantage of the many activities and benefit from the GGI stimulating atmosphere. Moreover, they may contribute to the training activities (e.g., the PhD schools).

The researchers interested in such long-term visiting positions should submit their applications by filling the form below at least three months before the expected beginning of the visit. The selection process will promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

Please note that all visitors to the GGI are required to be affiliated with a recognised academic or research institution. Visit requests from candidates with no formal links to an institution unfortunately cannot be accepted.

Submit your application

Participation of renowned scientists to workshops

The extended participation (two weeks or more) of renowned researchers to the GGI workshops plays a pivotal role in carrying out successful programs, stimulating and directing scientific discussions and promoting new ideas. The GGI would like to continue the fellowship program for eminent scientists funded by the previous Simons Grant, which was very successful. This fellowship program can also help the participation of scientist from extra-EU countries with a contribution for travel expenses.
The organizers of each workshop will propose ~3 Simons Fellows to the GGi Director for approval .
The grant would cover the accommodation and the living expenses up to 1k euro per week (gross salary).

Simons Fellows II (2024-2027)

Simons @ GGI (2015-2023)

Participation to the GGI activities of researchers and PhD students from institutions with limited funding

The GGI usually provides housing support to participants, and free canteen access for lunch. The GGI would like to improve inclusiveness by providing extra support for researchers from institutions with limited funding, as e.g. from developing countries, in particular young researchers and PhD students. The organizers of the GGI activities (schools, workshops and training weeks) will propose the participation of researchers from institutions with limited funding (2-3 weeks each) to the GGI Director for approval.
The grant covers the cost of accommodation and housing facilities used by the GGI and a contribution to travel expenses.

Simons Fellows III (2024 -2027)