
GGI Post-Docs

The GGI is offering 3 fellowships for new PhD graduates in Physics who intend to carry out research in "Theory of the Fundamental Interactions".

The aim of the fellowships is to boost young scientist careers from PhD towards international Post-Doc positions offering them a unique and exciting scientific environment at the GGI.

During 2025 the GGI will host 4 long-term workshops and 5 PhD schools (https://www.ggi.infn.it) with lectures, discussions and blackboard interactions that are at the heart of theoretical research.

The scientific activities of the fellows will start on January 1, 2025 and they will be supervised by the GGI Director and by an external tutor. The annual gross salary is 20.418,00 Euros, plus a relocation incentive for those who are eligible, as specified in the call.

The deadline for applications is Sept. 15, 2024

Apply online, call n 26963

GGI Post-Docs 2024

Giordano Cintia
Giordano Cintia

Birth: 23/01/1995, Marsciano (PG)
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics at Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich [2019-2023],
Master's degree in Physics, University of Perugia, [2017-2019], 110/110 cum Laude
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Perugia, [2014-2017], 110/110 cum Laude

'My research activity focuses on exotic theories of dark matter, with a focus on the cosmological and astrophysical consequences of dark matter superfluidity. Recently, I explored the implications that this phase of dark matter can have on the formation of dark matter halos. Other central topics of my research are quantum effects in classical backgrounds, with applications to inflation and interacting condensates. Finally, I am interested in Coherent states in quantum field theory, as a tool to describe highly occupied systems.

-"Background field method and initial time-singularity for coherent states", Pascos 2022, MPIK Heidelberg, July 2022
-"Superfluid Dark Matter and Galactic Dynamics", Dark Matter Meeting, MPA Munich, Feb 2023 (45')
-"Superfluid Dark Matter and Galactic Dynamics", Cosmo23, IFT Madrid, Sept 2023, IFT Madrid, Sept 2023

Gan Li
Li Gan

Birth: November 1992, China
Ph.D. in Physics, Université Paris-Saclay (2024)
Diplôme d'Ingénieur (specialty: physics), École Centrale Paris (2018)
Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, École Centrale de Pékin (2015)

My research interests lie in statistical mechanics, lattice random walks, enumerative combinatorics, exactly solvable models, and combinatorial physics. My thesis primarily explores the enumeration of closed lattice random walks based on their algebraic area (a.k.a. signed area), with connections to quantum exclusion statistics and the combinatorics of generalized Dyck and Motzkin paths.

- "Algebraic area of lattice random walks and exclusion statistics," LMPA, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Calais, France (2023)
- "Signed area of lattice paths and exclusion statistics," LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Villetaneuse, France (2023)

Tiziano Schiavone
Tiziano Schiavone

Birth: 26/03/1993, Rome, Italy
Angelo Della Riccia Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences, Lisbon [2023]
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Pisa [2023]
Master's degree in Theoretical Physics, Sapienza University of Rome [2019]
Bachelor's degree in Physics, Sapienza University of Rome [2016]

My research focuses on theoretical cosmology, in particular the large-scale structure of the Universe and the nature of dark energy. I am interested in modified gravity theories, the Hubble constant tension, and the averaging formalism in cosmology over the past light-cone. My research aims to discriminate between the standard cosmological constant paradigm and cosmological models based on modified gravity theories by investigating cosmic tensions. Furthermore, I have been working on the impact of local inhomogeneities on the luminosity distance. The matter distribution might leave an imprint on the luminosity distance, resulting in non-Gaussianities in the Hubble diagram.

-"Non-Gaussianities in the Hubble-Lemaitre diagram", invited talk, IA Seminars, Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaco, University of Lisbon (Portugal), 14/12/2023
-"An effective Hubble constant in f(R) modified gravity", talk at the 7th Winter Workshop Valencia, University of Valencia (Spain), 11-13/12/2023
- "Non-Gaussianities in the Hubble-Lemaitre diagram", talk at the workshop Understanding cosmological observations, contribution to the session General Relativistic Effects, Centro de Ciencias de Benasque (Spain), 23/07 – 05/08/2023
"Running Hubble constant from the SNe Ia Pantheon sample and BAOs?", invited talk, IA Seminars, Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciencias do Espaco, University of Lisbon (Portugal), 23/11/2022
- "Running Hubble constant from the SNe Ia Pantheon sample and BAOs?", talk at the workshop A SHOT IN THE DARK: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden (Netherlands), 27/06 - 01/07/2022
- "Running Hubble constant from the SNe Ia Pantheon sample and BAOs?", talk at the workshop General Relativistic effects in observing the Large Scale Structure of the Universe, Porto (Portugal), 20-23/06/2022
- "An inconstant Hubble constant?", talk at the International Conference of Physics Student, 5-8/08/2021
- "On the evolution of inhomogenous perturbations in the ACDM model and f(R) modified gravity theories", talk and proceedings paperfor the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 05-09/07/2021
- "An inconstant Hubble constant?", invited talk, meeting ENEA PLUS, 24/06/2021
- Extended theories of gravity", talk at the IV Italian Conference of Physics Student, Pisa (Italy), 20-23/04/2018
- Magneto-hydrodynamics as fluid description of a plasma", talk at the II Italian Conference of Physics Student, Turin (Italy), 22-24/04/2016

GGI Post-Docs 2023

Francesca Acanfora
Franesca Acanfora

Birth: 28/07/1995, Naples (Italy)
Ph.D. in Physics University of Roma Tre [2019-2022]
Master degree in Theoretical Physics Sapienza University of Rome [2017-2019]
Bachelor degree in Physics Sapienza University of Rome[2014-2017]

During my Ph.D. I worked on the search of Axion Like Particles at Belle II, both under the theoretical and phenomenological point of view. In general I am interested in analytic scattering Phase Space methods for particle discovery, Collider Phenomenology, Dark Matter, Beyond the Standard Model Physics. I am also involved in some more formal aspects of Theoretical Physics, like S-Matrix Bootstrap.

List of Publications

- [2023] Fusing Photons into Dark Matter at Belle II - Florence

Andrea Placidi
Andrea Placidi

Birth: 07/07/1995, Foligno (PG)
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Perugia - Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), 2019-2023i
Master's degree in Physics, University of Perugia, 2019, 110/110 cum Laude
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Perugia, 2017, 110/110 cum Laude

My research activity focuses on gravitational wave modeling and black hole physics. Recently I have been working on waveform models within the effective one-body approach, with particular focus on models for binary systems that moves along non-circularized orbits. On parallel I worked on the Blandford-Znajek mechanism for the extraction of energy from the magnetospheres that surround rotating black holes, a mechanism that offers the most plausible power source for the observed astrophysical jets.

- "Analytic Non-Circular 2PN Factors for the TEOBResumS Waveform Model", Virgo week contributed talk, online, 04/07/2021
- "Gravitational wave modelization for eccentric binaries within the effective one-body approach", Highlight contributed talk at the 31st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Prague, 14/09/2022
- "Including eccentricity effects into effective one-body based gravitational wave models". Invited talk by R. Olivieri, Laboratory Universe and Theories (Paris), 13/10/2022
- "Gravitational wave modeling for non-circular binary black holes within the effective one-body approach", contributed talk at the Florence Theory Group day, Galileo Galilei Institute (Florence), 22/02/2023

Jacopo Papalini
Jacopo Papalini

Birth: 03/12/1995, Fiorenzuola d'Arda (PC), Italy
Physics Bachelor at University of Parma [2014-2017]
Theoretical Physics Master at University of Parma [2017-2019]
PhD. High-Energy Physics at University of Parma [2019-2023]

My research activity is about the investigation of nonperturbative effects and phenomena occurring in low-dimensional gravity and gauge models, both in the presence and absence of integrable deformations. Concretely, I am interested in JT gravity and 2d Yang-Mills theory that, beeing exactly solvable, offer the possibility to study the relevant dynamics beyond the perturbative regime, exploiting for instance supersymmetric localization techniques.

-27/05/2020 Video Poster: "Localization of JT gravity partition function", Cortona Young 2020, GGI Institute, Florence
-14/06/2022 "Exact TT¯ deformation of 2d Yang Mills theory", Theories of the Fundamental Interactions - TFI 2022,Venice
-08/03/2023 "Nonperturbative aspects of JT Gravity and TT deformation", Joint KULeuven-VUB-ULB-UMons-UGent seminar, Ghent University

GGI Post-Docs 2022

William Giare
William Giare

Birth: 18/08/1994, Roma, (Italy)
Ph.D. in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Sapienza University of Rome [2018-2021]
Master's degree in Theoretical Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, 110/110 cum Laude [2016-2018]
Bachelor's degree in Physics, Sapienza University of Rome, 110/110 cum Laude [2013-2016]

My scientific interests lie at the intersection of Cosmology, Gravitation and Astroparticle Physics. My research combines theoretical work with modern statistical data-analysis techniques to constrain the properties of the Universe and address fundamental questions about its origin, composition and evolution. In particular I use the relic light from the Big Bang and the large scale structure of the Universe to study and test the properties of gravity, the nature of fundamental interactions among particles and the identity of the dark sector. This often leads me to investigate extensions of General Relativity and the Standard Model of elementary particles and to analyze their cosmological implications.

List of Publications

- [2021] "Relics from the Early Universe: gravitational waves, axions and neutrinos", Astronomy and Astrophysics Workshop, (Sapienza University)
- [2020] "Probing the physics of the Early Universe with primordial gravitational Waves", Astronomy and Astrophysics Workshop, (Tor Vergata University)
- [2020] "Testing the standard inflationary predictions with tensor modes", Lorentz Institute for Theoretical Physics, (Leiden University)
- [2019] "Constraining axions with cosmology", Astronomy and Astrophysics Workshop, (Sapienza University)

Davide Maria Lombardo
Davide Maria Lombardo

Birth: 11/04/1992, Catania, (Italy)
Physics Bachelor University of Catania [2011-2014]
Theoretical Physics Master "La Sapienza" Rome [2014-2016]
PhD. High-Energy Physics University of Geneva [2017-2022]

My research is about the study and the applications of effective field theories in high-energy physics both for phenomenological and formal analyses. In my phenomenology work this approach is used to asses the reach of future colliders on New-Physics searches, as well as to design new quantitative analyses, able to extract new relevant information from the current and future runs of LHC. My formal research focuses on studying the space of possible low-energy effective theories, with the scope of defining the low-energy criteria identifying the effective descriptions that can orginate from a complete theory.

List of Publications

- CLIC-Collaboration Meeting, 28/08/2019: "High-energy probes for di-boson study"
- HEFT 2019 Workshop Louvain la Neuve, 16/04/2019: "Higgs couplings in longitudinally-polarized multibosons"
- CLIC-Collaboration Meeting, 28/08/2018: Enhanced WW sensitivity via azimuthal angles"

Yuan Miao
Yuan Miao

Birth: 30/06/1995, China
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, [2017-2021]
M.Sc. in Physics, University of Stuttgart, [2015-2017]
B.Eng. in Optical Information Sciences, Beijing Institute for Technologies [2011-2015]

I am interested in exactly solvable models and out-of-equilibrium physics of low-dimensional quantum systems. By using the algebraic approach, I have studied the complete spectra of quantum integrable lattice models. My research also concerns the interface between the classical/quantum integrability and mathematics, such as combinatorics and algebraic geometry.

List of Publications

- "Floquet Baxterisation: from quantum Floquet dynamics to integrable vertex models" Seminar Physique Mathematique, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques, Universite Montreal 2022
- "Onsager, Temperley--Lieb and more from Clifford", WAYTA Seminar in Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, KdV Institute for Mathematics, Amsterdam, 2021
- "Hidden Onsager algebra symmetries in quantum lattice models", Russian Quantum Center Many-body Theory Seminar, 2021
- "Q operator, spectrum and hidden Onsager symmetry of quantum spin-1/2 XXZ model at root of unity", Student Workshop on Integrability 2021, 2021

Imane Moumene
Imane Moumene

Birth: 17/04/1993, Morocco
Ph.D. degree in theoretical nuclear physics, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco [2016-2021]
International Mobility at the University of Pisa, Department of Physics in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA 107, Italy [March 4th-July 26th, 2019]
Master's degree in High Energy Physics, Astronomy and Physics Computational, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco [2014-2016]
Bachelor's Degree of Science in Physics, Option: Fundamental Physics, Faculty of Science, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco [2013-2014]
Diploma of General University Studies in Science of Material Physics, Faculty of Science Ibn Zohr University, Morocco [2011-2013]
Bachelor Degree of Science in Experimental Sciences, Option: Physical Science, High school AIT IAZZA, Morocco [2010-2011]

My research interest is in theoretical nuclear physics with a focus on understanding the internal structure of the nuclei by studying the individual and collective behaviors of their constituents, the reaction mechanisms involved in the scattering of exotic nuclei, and the alpha decay process.

Link of Publications

- "Analytical study of the properties of Y-unstable, axially deformed and triaxial nuclei by Bohr Hamiltonian.", "Graduate school Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics", Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence-Italy. (2018)
- "Comparison between Coulomb and Hulthen potentials within Bohr Hamiltonian for Y-rigid nuclei in the presence of minimal length.", "37th International Workshop on Nuclear Theory", Rila, Bulgaria (2018)
- "Poschl-Teller potential for Y-unstable and Y-stable nuclei, " Nucleus-2019", Dubna-Russia (2019)
- "Localization of peripheral reactions and sensitivity to the imaginary potential", TNPI2021- XVIII Conference on Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy, "Invited contribution" (2021)

Shahram Vatani
Shahram Vatani

Birth: 11/07/1993, Marseille (France)
Ph.D. in Physics, Université de Lyon, [2021]
Master's degree in Physics, ENS Lyon, [2018]
Master's degree in Mathematics, Université de Lyon, [2017]
Bachelor's degree in Physics, ENS Lyon, [2015]

During my PhD I was studying the possible UV Completion of Composite Higgs. Now I am generally interested in Beyond the Standard Model Physics, from model building to phenomenology. Finally, very often, conceptual aspect of Quantum Field Theory cross my road and I try to appreciate it.

List of Publications

- February 2019 at Sun Yat Sen University: Lecture on Large N
- September 2019: Workshop "Fundamental Composite Dynamics" in Mainz. Talk "Large N in Composite Higgs, a UV Completion"
- August 2021: SUSY 2021. Talk "UV completion of Composite Higgs Models"

GGI Post-Docs 2021

Claudio Bonanno
Claudio Bonanno

Birth: 25/06/1993, Pescia (PT)
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Pisa, 2021
Ph.D. student in Physics, University of Pisa, 2017-2020
Master's degree in Physics, University of Pisa, 2017, 110/110 cum Laude
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Pisa, 2015, 110/110 cum Laude

My research interests concern the study of non-perturbative properties of gauge theories by means of numerical Monte Carlo simulations on the lattice. In particular, my focus is on the study of topology, Θ-dependence and 1/N expansion both in QCD and in QCD-related theories, such as large-N SU(N) Yang-Mills theories and 2d CP(N-1) models. Recently, I also developed an interest in quantum computation and i joined the activities of the QuBiPF collaboration.

List of Publications

- "Topology via Spectral Projectors with Staggered fermions", SM&FT 2019 "High Performance Computing in Theoretical Physics", Bari, 11-13/12/19 (talk)
- "Topology via Spectral Projectors with Staggered fermions", Lattice 2019 "The 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory", Wuhan, 16-22/06/19 (talk and proceedings https://pos.sissa.it/363/089/ )
- "Topological properties of CP(N-1) models in the large-N limit", Gauge Topology 3 "From Lattice to Colliders", Trento, 28/05-01/06/18 (talk)
- "Topological properties of CP(N-1) models in the large-N limit", New Frontiers in Theoretical Physics "XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Fisica Teorica", Cortona, 22-26/05/18 (talk)
- "Topological properties of CP(N-1) models in the large-N limit", SM&FT 2017 "High Performance Computing in Theoretical Physics", Bari, 13-15/12/17 (talk)

Alessio Caddeo
Alessio Caddeo

Birth: 14/09/1992, Ozieri (SS)
Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy, University of Firenze, 2017-2020
Master's degree in Physics, University of Cagliari, 2017, 110/110 cum Laude
Bachelor's degree in Physics, University of Cagliari, 2015, 110/110 cum Laude

My research activity focuses on applications of the holographic correspondence to problems of phenomenological interest where strongly-coupled gauge theories are involved. Other research interests concern non-supersymmetric dualities in 2+1 dimensions employed as a tool to study the infrared phases of strongly-coupled quantum field theories.

List of Publications

- "Dark Holograms and Gravitational Waves", web seminar for IGFAE of Santiago de Compostela 2021, invitation by J. Mas, 26/01/2021
- "Dark Holograms and Gravitational Waves", web seminar for University of Barcelona 2020, invitation by D. Mateos, 02/12/2020
- "Dark Holograms and Gravitational Waves", web seminar for HoloTube, online conference 2020, 28/10/2020
- "Dark Holograms and Gravitational Waves", video poster for "Cortona Young", web workshop at Galileo Galilei Institute Firenze, (27-29)/05/2020
- "Non-supersymmetric dualities in 2+1 dimensions - pt.3", Journal Club at Université libre de Bruxelles, invitation by R. Argurio and A. Collinucci, 25/02/2020
- "Non-supersymmetric dualities in 2+1 dimensions - pt.2", Journal Club at Université libre de Bruxelles, invitation by R. Argurio and A. Collinucci, 17/02/2020
- "Non-supersymmetric dualities in 2+1 dimensions - pt.1", Journal Club at Université libre de Bruxelles, invitation by R. Argurio and A. Collinucci, 10/02/2020

Carlo Alberto Cremonini
Carlo Alberto Cremonini

Birth: 26/08/1993, Bologna (Bo)
Ph.D. in Physics, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, Como, 2017-2020, supervisors S. L. Cacciatori and P. A. Grassi
Master's degree in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, 2017, 110/110 cum Laude, supervisor A. Yu. Kamenchtchik
Bachelor's degree in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, 2015, 110/110 cum Laude, supervisor A. Yu. Kamenchtchik

I am largely interested both in Physical and in Mathematical applications of supergeometry, with an eye towards integration theory. On the Physical side this includes Group Manifold Lagrangians, BV formalism, Wilson Operators, Higher Gauge Theories etc. On the Mathematical side this includes foundational questions such as the existence and formalisation of "Pseudoforms", cohomology theory on superalgebras, supergroups, PCO's and projections on Supermanifolds, etc.

Link of Publications

- "Wilson Operators: a Supergeometric Perspective", web seminar for Universita' di Firenze, invitation by L.Banchi, F.Bigazzi and F.Galli, 17/03/2021.
- "Chevalley-Eilenberg Cohomology for Lie Superalgebras, pt.2", web Journal Club, invitation by R.Fioresi, Bologna, 05/02/2021.
- "Chevalley-Eilenberg Cohomology for Lie Superalgebras, pt.1", web Journal Club, invitation by R.Fioresi, Bologna, 29/01/2021.
- "Supergeometry and Wilson Operators", video poster for "Cortona Young", web workshop at Galileo Galilei Institute, Firenze 50125, Italy, (27-29)/05/2020.
- "Super Chern-Simons, $A_\infty$-algebras and BV Formalism", web seminar for Charles University Prague, Prague 186 75, Czech Republic, invitation by B. Jurĉo, 14/05/2020.
- "Super Chern-Simons, $A_\infty$-algebras and BV Formalism", web seminar for Milan University, Italy, invitation by A. Viganò, 12/05/2020.

Matteo Maria Maglio
Matteo Maria Maglio

Birth: 28/11/1991, Maglie (LE)
Ph.D. in Physics and Nanoscience, Università del Salento, Lecce Italy
Master's degree in Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics at Università del Salento, 2017, Lecce Italy
Bachelor's degree in Physics, Università del Salento, 2014, Lecce Italy

My research activity focuses on the study of conformal field theories, in regards of their properties in momentum space and their application in different areas of Theoretical Physics. In addition to deepen the study of conformal field theories and their applications, I am mainly interested in cosmology, gravity and scattering amplitudes and in the possible links to establish between these.

List of Publications

- Sep 2019 Quantum Vacuum: Renormalization Group and Anomalies in Cosmology Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Contribution: "Matching CFT tensor correlators to perturbation theory"
- Jun 2018 QCD@Work - International Workshop on QCD Theory and Experiment, Matera (Italy) Contribution: "Conformal Ward Identities and Couplings of QED and QCD to Gravity"

Rocco Rollo
Rocco Rollo

Birth: 25/08/1993, Foggia (FG)
PhD in Astroparticle Physics, GSSI, 2017-2020
Master's degree in Astroparticle Physics, Univ. of L'Aquila, 2017, 110/110 cum Laude
Bachelor's degree in Physics, Univ. of L' Aquila, 2015, 110/110 cum Laude

My recent research activity focused on Theoretical Cosmology, particularly to investigate the Early Universe's particle content and relative signatures in current and future observations on gravitational waves (Gws) and Large scale structure (LSS). Other interests concern the study of the primordial stochastic Gws background, modified gravity/ Effective field theories used as a tool to describe the Dark sector and related LSS predictions.

List of Publications

- Resilience of long modes in cosmological observables, Padova University 2020
- Adiabatic media Inflation, Aachen Univ., 2019 (Poster, COSMO workshop)
- Conserved Non-Linear currents in cosmology, Milan University, 2019