
Workshops at Galileo Galilei Institute

Forthcoming Workshops
Aug 26, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024 Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes
            Conference (Aug 26, 2024 - Aug 30, 2024)
Apr 14, 2025 - May 16, 2025 Foundations and Applications of Relativistic Hydrodynamics
            Focus Week (May 12, 2025 - May 16, 2025)
May 19, 2025 - Jun 20, 2025 From Asymptotic Symmetries to Flat Holography: Theoretical Aspects and Observable Consequences
            Training Week (May 19, 2025 - May 23, 2025)
            Conference (Jun 09, 2025 - Jun 13, 2025)
Jun 23, 2025 - Aug 01, 2025 Exploring the energy frontier with muon beams
            Training Week (Jun 23, 2025 - Jun 27, 2025)
            Conference (Jul 21, 2025 - Jul 26, 2025)
Aug 25, 2025 - Oct 03, 2025 New Physics from Galaxy Clustering at GGI
            Training Week (Aug 25, 2025 - Aug 29, 2025)
            Focus Week (Sep 15, 2025 - Sep 19, 2025)
            Conference (Sep 29, 2025 - Oct 03, 2025)

Past Workshops
Jun 25, 2024 - Jul 19, 2024 Neutrino Frontiers
            Training Week (Jun 25, 2024 - Jun 28, 2024)
            Focus Week (Jul 01, 2024 - Jul 05, 2024)
May 20, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024 BPS Dynamics and Quantum Mathematics
            Training Week (May 20, 2024 - May 24, 2024)
            Conference (Jun 17, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024)
Apr 08, 2024 - May 17, 2024 Resurgence and Modularity in QFT and String Theory
            Training Week (Apr 08, 2024 - Apr 12, 2024)
            Conference (May 06, 2024 - May 10, 2024)
Aug 28, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023 Theory Challenges in the Precision Era of the Large Hadron Collider
            Conference (Aug 28, 2023 - Sep 01, 2023)
            Training Week (Sep 25, 2023 - Sep 29, 2023)
Jun 12, 2023 - Jul 28, 2023 Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields
            Training Week (Jun 12, 2023 - Jun 16, 2023)
            Conference (Jul 17, 2023 - Jul 22, 2023)
Apr 26, 2023 - Jun 09, 2023 Axions across boundaries between Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology and forefront Detection Technologies
            Training Week (Apr 26, 2023 - Apr 28, 2023)
            Conference (Jun 05, 2023 - Jun 09, 2023)
Oct 03, 2022 - Nov 04, 2022 Bootstrapping Nature: Non-perturbative Approaches to Critical Phenomena
Aug 22, 2022 - Sep 30, 2022 Machine Learning at GGI
            Conference (Sep 05, 2022 - Sep 09, 2022)
Jun 06, 2022 - Jul 15, 2022 Reconstructing the Gravitational Hologram with Quantum Information
            Training Week (Jun 13, 2022 - Jun 17, 2022)
            Focus Week (Jul 11, 2022 - Jul 15, 2022)
Apr 19, 2022 - Jun 03, 2022 Randomness, Integrability and Universality
Oct 04, 2021 - Nov 12, 2021 New Physics from The Sky
Aug 23, 2021 - Oct 01, 2021 Topological properties of gauge theories and their applications to high-energy and condensed-matter physics
Apr 19, 2021 - May 21, 2021 Gravitational scattering, inspiral, and radiation
            Training Week (Apr 19, 2021 - Apr 23, 2021)
            Conference (Apr 26, 2021 - Apr 30, 2021)
Aug 26, 2019 - Oct 11, 2019 Next Frontiers in the Search for Dark Matter
            Conference (Sep 23, 2019 - Sep 27, 2019)
May 20, 2019 - Jul 12, 2019 Breakdown Of Ergodicity In Isolated Quantum Systems: From Glassiness To Localization
            Conference (Jun 03, 2019 - Jun 07, 2019)
            Focus Week (Jul 01, 2019 - Jul 05, 2019)
Mar 25, 2019 - May 10, 2019 String Theory from a Worldsheet Perspective
            Training Week (Mar 25, 2019 - Mar 29, 2019)
            Focus Week (Apr 15, 2019 - Apr 18, 2019)
            Conference (May 06, 2019 - May 10, 2019)
Oct 15, 2018 - Nov 23, 2018 Amplitudes in the LHC era
            Conference (Oct 29, 2018 - Oct 31, 2018)
Aug 20, 2018 - Oct 05, 2018 Beyond Standard Model: Where do we go from here?
            Conference (Oct 01, 2018 - Oct 05, 2018)
May 21, 2018 - Jul 13, 2018 Entanglement in Quantum Systems
            Conference (Jun 04, 2018 - Jun 09, 2018)
            Meeting (Jun 11, 2018 - Jun 15, 2018)
            (Jul 27, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024)
Apr 02, 2018 - May 11, 2018 Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories in the Non-perturbative Regime
            Conference (May 07, 2018 - May 11, 2018)
            Focus Week (Apr 09, 2018 - Apr 13, 2018)
Aug 28, 2017 - Oct 13, 2017 Collider Physics and the Cosmos
            Conference (Oct 09, 2017 - Oct 13, 2017)
May 22, 2017 - Jun 23, 2017 From Static to Dynamical Gauge Fields with Ultracold Atoms
            Conference (May 29, 2017 - Jun 02, 2017)
Mar 20, 2017 - May 12, 2017 New Developments in AdS3/CFT2 Holography
            Conference (May 02, 2017 - May 05, 2017)
            Focus Week (Apr 10, 2017 - Apr 14, 2017)
            School (Mar 27, 2017 - Mar 31, 2017)
Sep 05, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016 Supergravity: what next?
            Conference (Oct 26, 2016 - Oct 28, 2016)
            Focus Week (Sep 07, 2016 - Sep 09, 2016)
May 23, 2016 - Jul 08, 2016 Conformal Field Theories and Renormalization Group Flows in Dimensions d>2
Mar 21, 2016 - May 13, 2016 Theoretical Cosmology in the Era of Large Surveys
            Conference (May 02, 2016 - May 06, 2016)
            Focus Week (Apr 05, 2016 - Apr 07, 2016)
Aug 31, 2015 - Oct 16, 2015 Gearing up for LHC13
            Conference (Oct 13, 2015 - Oct 16, 2015)
May 11, 2015 - Jul 03, 2015 Statistical mechanics, integrability and combinatorics
            Focus Week (May 18, 2015 - May 22, 2015)
            Conference (Jun 22, 2015 - Jun 26, 2015)
Mar 09, 2015 - Apr 30, 2015 Holographic Methods for Strongly Coupled Systems
            Conference (Apr 13, 2015 - Apr 17, 2015)
Sep 01, 2014 - Oct 24, 2014 Prospects and Precision at the Large Hadron Collider at 14 TeV
            Conference (Sep 03, 2014 - Sep 05, 2014)
            Training Week (Sep 29, 2014 - Oct 03, 2014)
            Meeting (Oct 20, 2014 - Oct 21, 2014)
May 05, 2014 - Jul 04, 2014 Advances in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: large deviations and long-range correlations, extreme value statistics, anomalous transport and long-range interactions
            Conference (May 26, 2014 - May 30, 2014)
            Training Week (May 12, 2014 - May 16, 2014)
Mar 10, 2014 - Apr 17, 2014 The Structure and Signals of Neutron Stars, from Birth to Death
            Conference (Mar 24, 2014 - Mar 28, 2014)
Aug 26, 2013 - Oct 20, 2013 Geometry of Strings and Fields
            Conference (Sep 08, 2013 - Sep 13, 2013)
May 20, 2013 - Jul 12, 2013 Beyond the Standard Model after the first run of the LHC
            Training Week (Jun 10, 2013 - Jun 15, 2013)
            Conference (Jul 09, 2013 - Jul 12, 2013)
Mar 18, 2013 - May 10, 2013 Higher Spins, Strings and Duality
            Conference (May 06, 2013 - May 09, 2013)
            School (Mar 18, 2013 - Mar 27, 2013)
Oct 08, 2012 - Nov 30, 2012 Understanding the TeV Scale Through LHC Data, Dark Matter, and Other Experiments
            Conference (Oct 16, 2012 - Oct 19, 2012)
Aug 27, 2012 - Sep 28, 2012 New Frontiers in Lattice Gauge Theory
Jun 11, 2012 - Jul 14, 2012 WHAT IS ʋ?: From new experimental neutrino results to a deeper understanding of theoretical physics and cosmology.
            Mini Conference (Jun 24, 2012 - Jun 29, 2012)
Apr 10, 2012 - Jun 01, 2012 New quantum states of matter in and out of equilibrium
            Conference (May 21, 2012 - May 25, 2012)
Oct 31, 2011 - Nov 25, 2011 Interpreting LHC Discoveries
            Conference (Nov 08, 2011 - Nov 11, 2011)
Sep 05, 2011 - Oct 21, 2011 High-energy QCD after the start of the LHC
            Focus Week (Sep 12, 2011 - Sep 16, 2011)
Apr 04, 2011 - Jun 17, 2011 Large-N Gauge Theories
            Conference (May 02, 2011 - May 06, 2011)
Aug 30, 2010 - Nov 05, 2010 AdS4/CFT3 and the Holographic States of Matter
            Mini Conference (Sep 27, 2010 - Oct 01, 2010)
            Focus Week (Nov 01, 2010 - Nov 05, 2010)
Apr 26, 2010 - Jun 19, 2010 Dark Matter: Its Origin, Nature and Prospects for Detection
            Conference (May 17, 2010 - May 21, 2010)
Feb 15, 2010 - Mar 26, 2010 Indirect Searches for New Physics at the time of LHC
            Conference (Mar 22, 2010 - Mar 24, 2010)
            School (Mar 15, 2010 - Mar 16, 2010)
Aug 31, 2009 - Oct 30, 2009 Searching for New Physics at the LHC
            Conference (Oct 26, 2009 - Oct 30, 2009)
Apr 06, 2009 - Jun 19, 2009 New Perspectives in String Theory
            Conference (Apr 06, 2009 - Apr 08, 2009)
            School (Jun 08, 2009 - Jun 19, 2009)
Jan 19, 2009 - Mar 13, 2009 New Horizons for Modern Cosmology
            Conference (Feb 09, 2009 - Feb 11, 2009)
            Conference (Mar 02, 2009 - Mar 04, 2009)
Sep 01, 2008 - Nov 07, 2008 Low-dimensional Quantum Field Theories and Applications
            Conference (Sep 08, 2008 - Sep 12, 2008)
Apr 14, 2008 - Jun 27, 2008 Non-Perturbative Methods in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories
            Conference (Jun 03, 2008 - Jun 05, 2008)
Aug 27, 2007 - Oct 26, 2007 Advancing Collider Physics: from Twistors to Monte Carlos
            Conference (Oct 01, 2007 - Oct 05, 2007)
Mar 19, 2007 - Jun 22, 2007 String and M theory approaches to particle physics and cosmology
            Conference (Jun 13, 2007 - Jun 15, 2007)
Jan 15, 2007 - Mar 09, 2007 High Density QCD
Aug 28, 2006 - Nov 11, 2006 Astroparticle and Cosmology
May 02, 2006 - Jun 30, 2006 New Directions Beyond the Standard Model in Field and String Theory
            Conference (Jun 06, 2006 - Jun 08, 2006)