
Theory Lectures by Young Researchers

Th-LYR is a series of introductory web-lectures on specific research topics in Theoretical Physics, spanning Cosmology, Non-perturbative Approaches to Quantum Field Theories and Gauge Theories, String Theory, and Mathematical Physics. Lectures will be given by young researchers to young researchers in an informal and stimulating environment with extensive space for questions and discussions.
Organizers: Francesca Acanforaa (GGI), Claudio Bonanno (IFT Madrid), William Giare (University of Sheffield), Yuan Miao (Kavli Japan), Jacopo Papalini (GGI), Andrea Placidi (GGI) (GGI Post-Docs)

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List of Lectures

For the Future Seminars look at the List

Yuan Miao (Kavli Japan)
A (biased) introduction to six-vertex model
10 Jan 2024 - 10:00

"Six-vertex model is an archetypical model in statistical mechanics that pertains exact solutions. It is also related to high-energy physics, combinatorics, probability, etc. I will explain the definition of the model, and its Yang-Baxter integrability. As an exercise, I will demonstrate the Izergin-Korepin determinant for the six-vertex model with domain-wall boundary condition that leads to a beautiful proof on the ASM conjecture in combinatorics."


Andrea Antinucci (SISSA)
"A Holographic View on Symmetry”
05 Dec 2023 - 14:30

The aim of this lecture is to introduce, from an elementary bottom-up approach, a modern viewpoint on global finite symmetries in QFT_d, utilizing a (d+1)-dimensional Topological Quantum Field Theory (TQFT). To do so, in the first part I will elucidate several concepts on generalized global symmetries, clarifying that a subset of them can be understood in very elementary way precisely as ordinary global symmetries found in textbooks. I will briefly explain why the most general notion of (non-)symmetries is described mathematically by some kind of higher fusion category. In the second part, I will explain the holographic viewpoint, which enables the study of these complicated algebraic structures in terms of often simpler TQFTs in one dimension higher. If time permits I will describe how anomalies of generalized symmetries are encoded in this framework and how they can be employed to constraint the dynamics


Francesco Costa (University of Goettingen)
Freeze-in Dark Matter: Problems and Opportunities
20 Oct 2023 - 14:30


FIMP dark matter is produced via the freeze-in mechanism, which implies tiny couplings between the DM and the standard model particles. We will discuss the motivation behind FIMP dark matter and will study simple models of FIMPs. We will compare them with standard thermal freeze-out production, analyse the model predictions and possible observable signatures. In the second part of the lecture, we will consider the assumptions behind the freeze-in production mechanism and its shortcomings. Finally, we will discuss new avenues and connections to others beyond the standard model open problems.

Valentin Benedetti
Generalized Symmetries, Noether currents, and the ABJ anomaly
10 Oct 2023 - 14:00

We will study how the presence of generalized symmetries in a theory is related, from a local QFT point of view to the emergence of Haag duality violating (HDV) operator classes. In this context, we explain that if the non-local operators associated with the generalized symmetries transform under the action of a continuous global symmetry group then there cannot be a well-defined Noether current for such a group. We will show how this result can be used to re-derive Weinberg-Witten theorem within local QFT, where we will explicitly discuss the example of linearized gravitons. Furthermore, generalized symmetries that are charged under a continuous global symmetry, must be generated by a continuous of non-commuting dual HDV classes. If the HDV classes form a non-compact group, then we find that a theory with an unbroken non-compact higher-form symmetry is necessarily massless and free. However, if the HDV group is compact, the presence of charged classes seems compatible with an interacting QFT. In this case, the prototypical example is the chiral symmetry in QFT violated by the presence of the Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly. We will show how to understand the anomaly as a full abelian U(1) symmetry generated by a non-gauge-invariant Noether current. This entails the construction of the U(1) symmetry transformations for arbitrary, topologically non-trivial, spacetime regions, and showing they can transform the non-local charges.

Níckolas de Aguiar Alves
Why Do Things Fall? An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime
22 Sep 2023 - 14:00

Some questions about the Universe are so profound that we have spent thousands of years wondering about them without reaching a satisfactory conclusion. One of them is to understand "why do things fall?". In this lecture, I shall discuss one of our most successful answers to that question: quantum field theory in curved spacetime. I shall describe what are its purposes, limitations, and historical achievements


Suvajit Majumder
Machine-learning quantum integrability: searching for new R-matrices
28 Jun 2023 - 11:00

We kick off the ThLYR season on June 21st with Suvajit Majumder, a guest speaker from the City University of London, who will talk about "Machine-learning quantum integrability: searching for new R-matrices". We look forward to welcoming many of you.


Luc Darmé (IP2I)
The frontier of feebly interacting particles: from dark matter to the muon (g-2) - Lecture II
01 Jul 2022 - 14:00

New light but Feebly Interacting Particles (FIPs) represent an exciting and well-motivated class of new physics particles. FIPs are loosely defined as (1) singlets under the Standard Model (SM) gauge groups; (2) lighter than the electroweak scale and (3) not yet excluded or discovered. Many well-grounded new physics candidates fit this definition, with extremely bright experimental prospects for FIPs in the MeV and GeV mass range. In these lectures, we will present the theoretical foundations of this family of new physics particles and introduce some of its most searched-for members. The links between FIPs and the dark matter problem will be explored, along with their potential in explaining various low-energy experimental anomalies, including the measured anomalous magnetic moment.

Luc Darmé (IP2I)
The frontier of feebly interacting particles: from dark matter to the muon (g-2) - Lecture I
28 Jun 2022 - 14:00

New light but Feebly Interacting Particles (FIPs) represent an exciting and well-motivated class of new physics particles. FIPs are loosely defined as (1) singlets under the Standard Model (SM) gauge groups; (2) lighter than the electroweak scale and (3) not yet excluded or discovered. Many well-grounded new physics candidates fit this definition, with extremely bright experimental prospects for FIPs in the MeV and GeV mass range. In these lectures, we will present the theoretical foundations of this family of new physics particles and introduce some of its most searched-for members. The links between FIPs and the dark matter problem will be explored, along with their potential in explaining various low-energy experimental anomalies, including the measured anomalous magnetic moment.

Adrian Chapman (U. Oxford)
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Free-Fermion Solvability - Lecture II
17 Jun 2022 - 08:00

Abstract: The Jordan-Wigner transformation represents a profound connection between the physics of many-body spin systems and the physics of fermionic systems. In the setting where the effective fermions are noninteracting, the Jordan-Wigner transformation gives an exact solution method for an otherwise apparently complicated spin model. I will describe a graph-theoretic framework which captures mappings to free fermions under a unified characterization, yielding new exact solutions to spin models. Remarkably, the relationships between exact-solution methods in this framework reflect the relationships between families of graphs. This suggests a promising approach to understanding the physics of many-body spin models through graph theory.

Adrian Chapman (Oxford)
A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Free-Fermion Solvability - Lecture I
15 Jun 2022 - 08:00

Abstract: The Jordan-Wigner transformation represents a profound connection between the physics of many-body spin systems and the physics of fermionic systems. In the setting where the effective fermions are noninteracting, the Jordan-Wigner transformation gives an exact solution method for an otherwise apparently complicated spin model. I will describe a graph-theoretic framework which captures mappings to free fermions under a unified characterization, yielding new exact solutions to spin models. Remarkably, the relationships between exact-solution methods in this framework reflect the relationships between families of graphs. This suggests a promising approach to understanding the physics of many-body spin models through graph theory.

Chiranjib Mondal (Université de Caen Normandie)
Density functionals in nuclear systems - Lecture II
03 Jun 2022 - 11:00

In these two lectures, I will give a general overview of density functional theory (DFT) in nuclear systems. We will discuss the basic ingredients of the theory in terms of similarities and (of course) differences with an electronic system. We will discuss further, with an illustrating example, how to find the ground state properties of a simple nucleus and properties of infinite nuclear matter. We will end the discussion with constructing an energy density functional (EDF) which is cost effective, agnostic yet informed by nuclear properties, suitable for astrophysical calculations.

Chiranjib Mondal (Université de Caen Normandie)
Density functionals in nuclear systems - Lecture I
31 May 2022 - 11:00

In these two lectures, I will give a general overview of density functional theory (DFT) in nuclear systems. We will discuss the basic ingredients of the theory in terms of similarities and (of course) differences with an electronic system. We will discuss further, with an illustrating example, how to find the ground state properties of a simple nucleus and properties of infinite nuclear matter. We will end the discussion with constructing an energy density functional (EDF) which is cost effective, agnostic yet informed by nuclear properties, suitable for astrophysical calculations.

Denis Karateev (University of Geneva)
Modern Non-Perturbative Techniques in QFT - Second lecture
12 May 2022 - 10:00

I will define quantum field theories (QFTs) Non-Perturbatively and discuss their observables. I will review modern techniques, such as the Conformal and S-matrix Bootstrap, which allow to bound the space of consistent QFTs and, in particular cases, even to compute some observables.


Denis Karateev (University of Geneva)
Modern Non-Perturbative Techniques in QFT - First lecture
11 May 2022 - 10:00

I will define quantum field theories (QFTs) Non-Perturbatively and discuss their observables. I will review modern techniques, such as the Conformal and S-matrix Bootstrap, which allow to bound the space of consistent QFTs and, in particular cases, even to compute some observables.



Sabine Harribey (Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT and U. Heidelberg, ITP)
An introduction to tensor models: from random geometry to melonic CFTs - Lecture I
06 May 2022 - 10:30

Tensor models are particularly interesting due to their melonic large-N limit which is richer than the large-N limit of vector models but simpler than the planar limit of matrix models. Tensor models were first introduced in zero dimension in the context of random geometry and quantum gravity. They were then extended to quantum mechanical models in one dimension as an alternative to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model without disorder. Finally, they were generalized in higher dimensions as toy models for strongly-coupled QFTs. In this context, they give rise in the infrared to a new kind of conformal field theories analytically accessible, called melonic CFTs.

In these lectures, after reviewing the large-N expansion of matrix models, I will introduce tensor models and derive their melonic large-N limit. In both cases, I will present some applications to random geometry and quantum gravity. The second part of the lectures will focus on melonic CFTs. In particular, I will review the bosonic long-range 0(N)3 model giving rise at large N to a unitary CFT in the infrared.


Sabine Harribey (Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT and U. Heidelberg, ITP)
An introduction to tensor models: from random geometry to melonic CFTs - Lecture I
05 May 2022 - 10:30

Tensor models are particularly interesting due to their melonic large-N limit which is richer than the large-N limit of vector models but simpler than the planar limit of matrix models. Tensor models were first introduced in zero dimension in the context of random geometry and quantum gravity. They were then extended to quantum mechanical models in one dimension as an alternative to the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model without disorder. Finally, they were generalized in higher dimensions as toy models for strongly-coupled QFTs. In this context, they give rise in the infrared to a new kind of conformal field theories analytically accessible, called melonic CFTs.

In these lectures, after reviewing the large-N expansion of matrix models, I will introduce tensor models and derive their melonic large-N limit. In both cases, I will present some applications to random geometry and quantum gravity. The second part of the lectures will focus on melonic CFTs. In particular, I will review the bosonic long-range 0(N)3 model giving rise at large N to a unitary CFT in the infrared.


Fabrizio Renzi (Leiden University)
Techniques for statistical analysis of cosmological data - Lecture II
27 Apr 2022 - 10:30

Analyzing data is an interplay between modeling physical theories and using complex statistical inference to extract unbiased information from the data themselves. In the era of precision cosmology, data analysis has become a key tool for the falsification of cosmological theories and for the quest of finding new physical effects not predicted by our current modelization of the Universe.

Inevitably, many biases are introduced, willingly or not, in the procedure of extracting information from data since our theories are incomplete and our statistical inference is not perfect. Such biases could lead to wrong physical conclusions and particular care is required in deriving answers that are as free as possible from those biases.

In this series of two lectures, I will give an introduction to Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the inference of cosmological parameters. I will discuss their advantages and disadvantages and show how they can be used to gain accurate information about our Universe.

The first lecture will be dedicated to introducing the building blocks of statistical inference. Starting from the simplest example of fitting a linear model to data, I will introduce the main concepts behind the construction of MCMC and ML methods and show how to use them with real examples.

The second lecture will be dedicated to learning to use these methodologies to analyze real cosmological data and derive constraints on cosmological parameters. In particular, I will show the use of low-redshift (late-time) cosmological data to bound the Hubble parameter and discuss the results in view of the current literature on the Hubble tension.


Fabrizio Renzi (Leiden University)
Techniques for statistical analysis of cosmological data - Lecture I
26 Apr 2022 - 14:30

Analyzing data is an interplay between modeling physical theories and using complex statistical inference to extract unbiased information from the data themselves. In the era of precision cosmology, data analysis has become a key tool for the falsification of cosmological theories and for the quest of finding new physical effects not predicted by our current modelization of the Universe.

Inevitably, many biases are introduced, willingly or not, in the procedure of extracting information from data since our theories are incomplete and our statistical inference is not perfect. Such biases could lead to wrong physical conclusions and particular care is required in deriving answers that are as free as possible from those biases.

In this series of two lectures, I will give an introduction to Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques for the inference of cosmological parameters. I will discuss their advantages and disadvantages and show how they can be used to gain accurate information about our Universe.

The first lecture will be dedicated to introducing the building blocks of statistical inference. Starting from the simplest example of fitting a linear model to data, I will introduce the main concepts behind the construction of MCMC and ML methods and show how to use them with real examples.

The second lecture will be dedicated to learning to use these methodologies to analyze real cosmological data and derive constraints on cosmological parameters. In particular, I will show the use of low-redshift (late-time) cosmological data to bound the Hubble parameter and discuss the results in view of the current literature on the Hubble tension.


Giuseppe Clemente (DESY Zeuthen)
An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Lattice Quantum Field Theory - Lecture II
05 Apr 2022 - 10:00

Classical state-of-the-art numerical techniques have pushed the measurements of quantities of interest for Lattice Quantum Field Theories to unprecedented degrees of accuracy. However, these techniques have limitations and some problems are still difficult to investigate. As Feynman noticed decades ago, quantum computation presents itself as a more natural setting to study the physics of quantum systems; as quantum computers and quantum technologies are improving from year to year, quantum computation techniques are becoming increasingly important tools in the theoretical physicist's toolkit. In these lectures I will first give a broad introduction to the fundamentals of quantum computing, discussing some of the main algorithms and applications. Then, I will discuss some of the most promising quantum computing techniques for solving Lattice Quantum Field Theory problems in regimes where classical methods cannot be applied or are especially expensive from the computational point of view.

Giuseppe Clemente (DESY Zeuthen)
An Introduction to Quantum Computing for Lattice Quantum Field Theory - Lecture I
04 Apr 2022 - 10:00

Classical state-of-the-art numerical techniques have pushed the measurements of quantities of interest for Lattice Quantum Field Theories to unprecedented degrees of accuracy. However, these techniques have limitations and some problems are still difficult to investigate. As Feynman noticed decades ago, quantum computation presents itself as a more natural setting to study the physics of quantum systems; as quantum computers and quantum technologies are improving from year to year, quantum computation techniques are becoming increasingly important tools in the theoretical physicist's toolkit. In these lectures I will first give a broad introduction to the fundamentals of quantum computing, discussing some of the main algorithms and applications. Then, I will discuss some of the most promising quantum computing techniques for solving Lattice Quantum Field Theory problems in regimes where classical methods cannot be applied or are especially expensive from the computational point of view.

Daniele Bertacca (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia G. Galilei, Università degli studi di Padova)
Introduction on relativistic projection effects on cosmological scales
10 Dec 2021 - 10:00

Upcoming surveys will probe increasingly large scales, approaching and even exceeding the Hubble scale at the survey redshifts. On these cosmological scales, surveys can in principle provide the best constraints on dark energy and modified gravity models – and will be able to test general relativity itself. In order to realise the potential of these surveys, we need to ensure that we are using a correct analysis, i.e. a general relativistic analysis, on cosmological scales. In the first part of this lecture I will make a general overview of my research related to these effects both for the galaxy clustering and for the GWs. Then I will analyse in detail the relativistic effects which alter the observed number over-density through projection onto our past light-cone. This gives the well-known corrections from redshift space distortions and gravitational lensing convergence, but there are further Doppler, Sachs-Wolfe, integrated SW and time-delay type terms.

Adriano Viganò (Università di Milano)
Solution generation techniques in gravitational theories - Lecture II
26 Nov 2021 - 11:00

The construction of exact solutions in gravitational theories, from black holes to cosmological solutions, is of great interest. In these lectures, we will give an overview of the solution generation techniques in the realm of gravitational theories by focusing on two of them: the Ernst formalism and the inverse scattering method. In both cases, we will explicitly construct the integration scheme for the equations of motion and we will apply it to some relevant examples of black hole physics.


Adriano Viganò (Università di Milano)
Solution generation techniques in gravitational theories – Lecture I
25 Nov 2021 - 11:00

The construction of exact solutions in gravitational theories, from black holes to cosmological solutions, is of great interest. In these lectures, we will give an overview of the solution generation techniques in the realm of gravitational theories by focusing on two of them: the Ernst formalism and the inverse scattering method. In both cases, we will explicitly construct the integration scheme for the equations of motion and we will apply it to some relevant examples of black hole physics.


Carlos Duaso Pueyo (University of Amsterdam)
Bootstrapping Cosmological Fluctuations – Lecture 2
16 Nov 2021 - 15:00

Reconstructing the physics of the very early universe from current observations is one of the most exciting challenges of theoretical cosmology. The main objects of interest in this context are correlation functions of perturbations on the spatial slice sitting at the end of inflation. In these lectures I will review a new approach—the "cosmological bootstrap"—that attempts to derive these correlators without making reference to the inflationary time evolution. The aim is to directly fix them at the boundary where they reside by using symmetries and elementary physical principles. This new point of view is helping us bridge the gap between theory and observations and is providing new insights into the physics of inflation and de Sitter space.



Carlos Duaso Pueyo (University of Amsterdam)
Bootstrapping Cosmological Fluctuations – Lecture 1
15 Nov 2021 - 15:00

Reconstructing the physics of the very early universe from current observations is one of the most exciting challenges of theoretical cosmology. The main objects of interest in this context are correlation functions of perturbations on the spatial slice sitting at the end of inflation. In these lectures I will review a new approach—the "cosmological bootstrap"—that attempts to derive these correlators without making reference to the inflationary time evolution. The aim is to directly fix them at the boundary where they reside by using symmetries and elementary physical principles. This new point of view is helping us bridge the gap between theory and observations and is providing new insights into the physics of inflation and de Sitter space.



Marco Piva - National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB), Tallin
Higher-derivative quantum field theories, unitarity and quantum gravity
15 Oct 2021 - 10:00

These lectures aim to clarify several aspects of higher-derivative quantum field theories, their issues and how to circumvent them. Special attention will be given to quantum gravity. After reviewing general definitions we discuss the role of higher derivatives in both effective field theories and fundamental ones. Focusing on the latter, we explore the class of theories suitable for quantum gravity, iscuss their features and the issues with unitarity. Finally, we show how to reconcile renormalizability and unitarity by means of purely virtual quanta.


Marco Piva - National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB), Tallin
Higher-derivative quantum field theories, unitarity and quantum gravity
14 Oct 2021 - 10:00

These lectures aim to clarify several aspects of higher-derivative quantum field theories, their issues and how to circumvent them. Special attention will be given to quantum gravity. After reviewing general definitions we discuss the role of higher derivatives in both effective field theories and fundamental ones. Focusing on the latter, we explore the class of theories suitable for quantum gravity, discuss their features and the issues with unitarity. Finally, we show how to reconcile renormalizability and unitarity by means of purely virtual quanta.


Lorenzo Bartolini (Henan U.)
The holographic approach to non-perturbative QCD and baryon physics – Lecture 2
14 Sep 2021 - 10:00

The Gauge/Gravity duality introduced a new tool for investigating QFTs in non perturbative regimes: the most phenomenologically relevant example of these theories is QCD at low energy (at the scale of nuclear physics), whose spectrum of bound states ranges from glueballs, to mesons, to complicated atomic nuclei. In these lectures we will review the Gauge/Gravity duality and discuss its extension to (almost) QCD, illustrating the top-down model of Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto: we will show the emergence of baryons from the model, and how to use it to compute observables that can prove themselves challenging via other techniques.


Lorenzo Bartolini (Henan U.)
The holographic approach to non-perturbative QCD and baryon physics – Lecture 1
13 Sep 2021 - 10:00

The Gauge/Gravity duality introduced a new tool for investigating QFTs in non perturbative regimes: the most phenomenologically relevant example of these theories is QCD at low energy (at the scale of nuclear physics), whose spectrum of bound states ranges from glueballs, to mesons, to complicated atomic nuclei. In these lectures we will review the Gauge/Gravity duality and discuss its extension to (almost) QCD, illustrating the top-down model of Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto: we will show the emergence of baryons from the model, and how to use it to compute observables that can prove themselves challenging via other techniques.


Davide Vadacchino (Trinity College, Dublin)
Lattice QCD: a primer of methods and results
29 Jun 2021 - 11:00

The lattice regularization of Quantum Field Theories is a first-principles approach that allows to explore their non-perturbative regime via computer simulations. Over the years, it has provided valuable inputs to experimental studies and has contributed to the understanding of some of the deepest features of strongly-interacting field theories. The constant improvement of algorithms and computational power makes the lattice regularization an essential tool in the hands of the theoretical physicists of the future. In these lectures, the theoretical foundations of this approach will be reviewed, and some of the main results and currently open problems will be discussed.



Davide Vadacchino (Trinity College, Dublin)
Lattice QCD: a primer of methods and results
28 Jun 2021 - 11:00

The lattice regularization of Quantum Field Theories is a first-principles approach that allows to explore their non-perturbative regime via computer simulations. Over the years, it has provided valuable inputs to experimental studies and has contributed to the understanding of some of the deepest features of strongly-interacting field theories. The constant improvement of algorithms and computational power makes the lattice regularization an essential tool in the hands of the theoretical physicists of the future. In these lectures, the theoretical foundations of this approach will be reviewed, and some of the main results and currently open problems will be discussed.



Angelo Ricciardone - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Padova University
Primordial Gravitational waves and interferometers
18 Jun 2021 - 11:00

Gravitational Waves (GWs) represent a unique tool to explore the physics and the microphysics of the universe. After the GW direct detections by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, the next target of modern cosmology is the detection of Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds (SGWB), both of cosmological and astrophysical origin. In this lectures, I will present early universe scenarios that can be probed with future GW detectors; in particular I will show how the LISA and Einstein Telescope (ET) interferometers, in addition to the detection and characterization of GWs of astrophysical origin, will give compelling information about the cosmological background of GWs. I will discuss the main tools and observables to deal with GW physics at interferometers.


Angelo Ricciardone - Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia “G. Galilei”, Padova University
Primordial Gravitational waves and interferometers
17 Jun 2021 - 11:00

Gravitational Waves (GWs) represent a unique tool to explore the physics and the microphysics of the universe. After the GW direct detections by the LIGO/Virgo collaboration, the next target of modern cosmology is the detection of Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds (SGWB), both of cosmological and astrophysical origin. In this lectures, I will present early universe scenarios that can be probed with future GW detectors; in particular I will show how the LISA and Einstein Telescope (ET) interferometers, in addition to the detection and characterization of GWs of astrophysical origin, will give compelling information about the cosmological background of GWs. I will discuss the main tools and observables to deal with GW physics at interferometers.


Sara Bonansea
Defects in conformal field theory and holography
28 May 2021 - 11:00

The general study of defects has relations with the physics of almost every field theory. Defects can be introduced into a conformal field theory as means to make contact with the real world, reducing the total amount of symmetry. The broken conformal symmetries relax some of the constraints put on the correlation functions and defects can be used as probes to study the dynamics of a theory. In the first part of these lectures, I will give some hints on the bootstrap program for defect conformal field theories. Furthermore, I will focus on a particular defect version of N=4 Super Yang-Mills which has a holographic realization in terms of a D3-probe-D5 brane system. In this setup, I will present some particular results for local and non-local observables achieved with different techniques.


Sara Bonansea
Defects in conformal field theory and holography
27 May 2021 - 11:00

The general study of defects has relations with the physics of almost every field theory. Defects can be introduced into a conformal field theory as means to make contact with the real world, reducing the total amount of symmetry. The broken conformal symmetries relax some of the constraints put on the correlation functions and defects can be used as probes to study the dynamics of a theory. In the first part of these lectures, I will give some hints on the bootstrap program for defect conformal field theories. Furthermore, I will focus on a particular defect version of N=4 Super Yang-Mills which has a holographic realization in terms of a D3-probe-D5 brane system. In this setup, I will present some particular results for local and non-local observables achieved with different techniques.


Luigi Tizzano
(Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY)
Aspects of Generalized Global Symmetries and Anomalies
Lecture II
13 May 2021 - 16:00

I will review some recent results on the dynamics of quantum field theories based on a renewed understanding of global symmetries and their anomalies.


Luigi Tizzano
(Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY)
Aspects of Generalized Global Symmetries and Anomalies
Lecture I
11 May 2021 - 16:00

I will review some recent results on the dynamics of quantum field theories based on a renewed understanding of global symmetries and their anomalies.


Luigi Guerrini - Università di Parma & INFN Parma
Localization of Supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions
30 Apr 2021 - 11:00

Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories provide an exciting arena for exploring physics in the strong coupling regime. Supersymmetric localization has turned out to be a formidable tool for making progress in this direction. The goal of these lectures is to provide a concrete example of supersymmetric localization in the context of three-dimensional gauge theories. I will first review the basic idea of localization in the finite-dimensional case. I will then show an application of this idea to supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories. In particular, I will explain how matrix models capture the partition function of these theories.



Luigi Guerrini - Università di Parma & INFN Parma
Localization of Supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions
29 Apr 2021 - 11:00

Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories provide an exciting arena for exploring physics in the strong coupling regime. Supersymmetric localization has turned out to be a formidable tool for making progress in this direction. The goal of these lectures is to provide a concrete example of supersymmetric localization in the context of three-dimensional gauge theories. I will first review the basic idea of localization in the finite-dimensional case. I will then show an application of this idea to supersymmetric Chern-Simons matter theories. In particular, I will explain how matrix models capture the partition function of these theories.



Paolo Benincasa - Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Madrid
Cosmology and Geometry at the Boundary - Lecture II
13 Apr 2021 - 11:00

Cosmological observables, such as temperature fluctuations in the CMB and density fluctuations in the distribution of galaxies, can be traced back to the end of inflation where they are encoded in quantum correlations, and the wavefunction of the universe which generates them, at a space-like boundary of a quasi-dS space-time. These lectures will focus on a novel approach to construct the wavefunction of the universe from boundary data only and extract from them physical information. We will learn about its analytic structure, the interpretation of the singularity coefficients as physical processes, including scattering processes in flatspace, as well as a first-principle formulation in terms of combinatorial-geometrical objects which, together to provide new computational tools, provide a window on the basic rules behind cosmological processes.


Paolo Benincasa - Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT), Madrid
Cosmology and Geometry at the Boundary - Lecture I
12 Apr 2021 - 11:00

Cosmological observables, such as temperature fluctuations in the CMB and density fluctuations in the distribution of galaxies, can be traced back to the end of inflation where they are encoded in quantum correlations, and the wavefunction of the universe which generates them, at a space-like boundary of a quasi-dS space-time. These lectures will focus on a novel approach to construct the wavefunction of the universe from boundary data only and extract from them physical information. We will learn about its analytic structure, the interpretation of the singularity coefficients as physical processes, including scattering processes in flatspace, as well as a first-principle formulation in terms of combinatorial-geometrical objects which, together to provide new computational tools, provide a window on the basic rules behind cosmological processes.


Lucrezia Ravera - Politecnico di Torino (DISAT)
Geometric Approach to Supergravity II
26 Mar 2021 - 11:00


The construction of supergravity theories from the technical point of view is a non-trivial task. In particular, complications arise from the fact that fermionic representations are involved. It is therefore particularly useful to find an efficient method to deal with the technical labor in formulating supergravity theories. In these lectures we will explore the geometric (aka rheonomic) approach to supergravity theories in superspace, which allows a complete geometrical interpretation of supersymmetry.



Lucrezia Ravera - Politecnico di Torino (DISAT)
Geometric Approach to Supergravity I
25 Mar 2021 - 11:00


The construction of supergravity theories from the technical point of view is a non-trivial task. In particular, complications arise from the fact that fermionic representations are involved. It is therefore particularly useful to find an efficient method to deal with the technical labor in formulating supergravity theories. In these lectures we will explore the geometric (aka rheonomic) approach to supergravity theories in superspace, which allows a complete geometrical interpretation of supersymmetry.


