Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics
Feb 16, 2015 - Feb 27, 2015The lectures are primarily addressed to Ph.D. students in Theoretical Hadronic and Nuclear Physics. However, in view of their pedagogical character, they are also well suited for experimentalists and post-docs, whose participation is strongly encouraged.
The goal of the 2015 lecture series is to provide an introduction to the most significant and hot topics in hadronic and high energy nuclear physics, highlighting the striking features of "QCD at work". The main topics of the first week are the hadron spectroscopy and the 3D description of the nucleon. The second week will be focussed on relativistic heavy ion physics.
Besides a wide theoretical review of the main topics, emphasis will be given to first-principle lattice QCD calculations as well as on phenomenology and all the theoretical tools suited to study the relevant experimental observables. The morning lectures will be supplemented by experimental seminars in the afternoon, aimed at illustrating the ongoing and forthcoming research activities in leading laboratories worldwide.
Although students are recommended to stay for two weeks, a one week participation is also allowed.
Applications can be done here (deadline January 15th). The school attendance is limited to around 40 students. If the number of application will consistently exceed the above limit, participants will be selected by the organizing committee.
Francesco Becattini (University of Firenze) - Ignazio Bombaci (University of Pisa)
Angela Bonaccorso (INFN - Pisa) - Maria Colonna (INFN - LNS) - Gianni Salmè (INFN - Roma1)
Elena Santopinto (INFN - Genova) - Enrico Vigezzi (INFN - Milano)
Local organizer
First-week Lecturers
- Jaume Carbonell (INP23-CNRS, Orsay) (5 hours):
Hadrons on the Lattice
- Piet Mulders (VU Univ. Amsterdam) (8-hours):
Transverse-momentum distributions and Generalized parton distributions: setting up the nucleon tomography
- Michael R. Pennington (Th. Jefferson natl. Lab., Newport News) (8-hours):
Understanding hadron spectroscopy
Second week Lecturers
- Massimo DElia (U. Pisa, Italy) (4 hours):
Lattice QCD at finite temperature and density
- Ulrich Heinz (Ohio State U., USA) (8 hours):
Bulk dynamics and soft observables in relativistic heavy ion collisions
- Urs A. Wiedemann (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland) (8hours):
Hard probes in relativistic heavy ion collisions