
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute


Quantum science approaches to strongly correlated systems: from ultracold atoms to high-energy and condensed matter physics

May 29, 2017 - Jun 02, 2017


Gauge fields play a fundamental role in our understanding of complex natural phenomena. Static gauge fields, such as magnetic fields and spin orbit coupling, are responsible for most of the topological effects found in solid state materials, while dynamical gauge fields are the backbone of the standard model in particle physics, and are instrumental in describing quantum magnetism.

In recent years, quantum technologies have emerged as a novel, complementary approach to investigate paradigms of strongly correlated quantum matter related to gauge fields. On the one hand, cold atom systems, owing to their unparalleled degree of control and versatility, represent an ideal experimental platform for the investigation of both static and dynamical gauge fields. From the other hand, novel numerical quantum information tools have been put forward as complementary methods to access regimes where Monte Carlo simulations are affected by the sign problem.

The purpose of this Conference is to bring together researches in the fields of cold atoms, high-energy, and condensed matter physics, to discuss state-of-the-art perspectives and challenges in the field of synthetic gauge fields and related areas. Within this activity, we expect that the growing interdisciplinary field involving the aforementioned fields will be given a strong boost, paving the way toward the realization of quantum simulation platforms for gauge theories and exotic superfluid and insulating states of matter.

The list of topics of the conference includes:
  • Spin-orbit-coupled Bose and Fermi gasses,
  • Synthetic gauge fields
  • Dynamical gauge fields and lattice gauge theories with ultracold atoms
  • Matrix-product states and tensor network methods
  • Quantum gases with SU(N) symmetry
  • Long-range interactions
  • Fermi superfluids
List of confirmed invited speakers (preliminary):
  • Juergen Berges (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Rainer Blatt (Universtität Innsbruck & IQOQI)
  • Jerome Beugnon (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
  • Iacopo Carusotto (BEC Center, Trento)
  • Alessio Celi (ICFO, Castelldefels)
  • Tilman Esslinger (ETH, Zurich)
  • Rosario Fazio (ICTP, Trieste)
  • Nathan Goldman (ULB, Bruxelles)
  • Fabian Heidrich-Meisner (LMU, München)
  • Fred Jendrzejewski (Universität Heidelberg)
  • Giacomo Lamporesi (CNR-INO BEC Center, Trento)
  • Michael Lohse (LMU, München)
  • Miguel Angel Martin-Delgado (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
  • Christine Muschick (IQOQI, Innsbruck)
  • Matteo Zaccanti (CNR-INO & LENS, Firenze)
  • Leticia Tarruell (ICFO, Castelldefels)
  • Christof Weitenberg (Universität Hamburg)

There will be the opportunity for some contributed talks and presenting posters during the week. In case you will be willing to provide a contribution, please include a tentative title in the section Comments of your application.


Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP), Leonardo Fallani (University of Florence), Massimo Inguscio (University of Florence and CNR), Guido Martinelli (University La Sapienza, Rome), Simone Montangero (University of Ulm), Ian Spielman (NIST, JQI), Sandro Stringari (University of Trento), and Uwe-Jens Wiese (University of Bern)


Main event
From Static to Dynamical Gauge Fields with Ultracold Atoms (Workshop) - May 22, 2017