Exploring the energy frontier with muon beams
Jun 30, 2025 - Aug 01, 2025Apply (deadline: Feb 14, 2025 )
In this workshop we will explore the opportunities unleashed by progress in muon-based experiments, with particular focus on a multi-TeV muon collider. We will discuss both Standard Model precision physics and the search for new phenomena at the highest possible accelerator energies.
Muon beams up to multi-TeV energies hold the potential to revolutionize the exploration of the high-energy frontier. At the same time, they require the development of new methods and tools in particle theory as well as in collider experiments and accelerator physics. Our workshop will bring together experts, as well as young generations, from these communities and will provide the setting to weave together the strategy to get to the next new kind of particle collider. In addition the workshop will serve as a platform to develop possible synergies with all the communities potentially interested in muon beams, and in the technologies that are necessary to develop it. Thus we will discuss the synergy from intense proton beams and the intense hadron and neutrino beams that they can source, enabling exploration of the lepton and neutrino sector, as well as dark matter and dark sectors and other investigations at the intensity frontier.
During the workshop we will organize several pedagogical activities aimed at increasing the awareness and competence in the high energy physics theoretical community on the exciting possibilities enabled by progress expected in muon beams and collider technologies. We will also organize small groups focused on further developing key tools needed for muon collider R&D.
Lectureres of the Training Week:
Hitoshi Murayama (IPMU, Berkeley) – Microscopic physics at the TeV scale
Davide Pagani (INFN) – Challenges of SM and QFT at future colliders
Melissa Franklin (Harvard) – Detector challenges for the next generation of particle colliders
Daniel Schulte (CERN) – Introduction to muon colliders and challenges in their exploitation
Chris Rogers (RAL, STFC) – Theory of Ionisation Cooling
Nick Evans (ORNL) – Muon proton sources
Topics to be discussed include: the physics of Standard Model particles at multi-TeV energies, and in particular the phenomenology across the frontier of electroweak symmetry restoration at high energy; searches for new physics at the high-energy frontier; possible uses of muon beams and related technologies for further exploration of fundamental interactions at the high-intensity frontier; synergies with other experiments in flavor, dark matter, neutrino physics, and more
Week-1 Training Week: Introduction To Muon Beams And Applications
Week-2 Focus Week: Precision Physics (SM)
Week-3 Focus Week: New Physics (BSM)
Week-4 Synergy Week: Physics With Muon Beams
Week-5 Public Conference: "Physics At The Highest Energies With Colliders"
J. Scott Berg (BNL, USA)
Dario Buttazzo (INFN Pisa)
Roberto Franceschini (Roma Tre U. and INFN)
Tova Holmes (University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA)
Patrick Meade (Stony Brook University, USA)
Fabio Maltoni (Louvain, Bologna U. and INFN)
Federico Meloni (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DE)
Related events
Introduction To Muon Beams And Applications (Training Week) - Jun 30, 2025
Physics At The Highest Energies With Colliders (Conference) - Jul 28, 2025