
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute


Interpreting LHC Discoveries

Oct 31, 2011 - Nov 25, 2011

Relevant data from the LHC is expected to become available by the end of 2011. This unique and long awaited moment presents special challenges, as early analyses may have to face the *bottom-up* problem of mapping potential signals to their underlying theory in the presence of limited statistics and uncertainties on SM backgrounds. Such a non trivial task will need a close collaboration of the experimental, QCD and Monte Carlo simulation phenomenology and model building communities. This workshop will provide a fertile ground to undertake such analyses by gathering a critical mass of experts in the above fields at what promises to be an exciting time for particle physics. A conference during the second week of the workshop (November 8-11, 2011 )will be aimed at presenting the latest updates as a basis for the activities of the rest of the workshop.

- Data analysis and interpretation
- QCD and SM background studies
- Early new physics signals
- Electroweak symmetry breaking
- Strategies for future searches
- Dark matter
- Rare decays

Visit the related conference webpage

Joseph D. Lykken Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory - Daniele Pedrini INFN Sez Milano-Bicocca, Italy - Andrea Romanino SISSA, Italy - Gavin Salam LPTHE, Paris - Avi Yagil, University of California, San Diego

Local organizer
Stefania De Curtis


Related events
Interpreting LHC Discoveries Conference (Conference) - Nov 08, 2011

Date Speaker Title Type Useful Links
Oct 21, 2011 - 11:00 Greg Landsberg The Future of CMS BSM Searches Seminar
Nov 02, 2011 - 11:00 Seung Lee Optimizing Boosted Higgs Identification (NLO Template Overlap Method for boosted jets Seminar Slides
Nov 03, 2011 - 11:00 Maurizio Pierini Hadronic SUSY searches: a tutorial for theorists Seminar
Nov 04, 2011 - 11:00 Andrey Korytov Higgs hunter's toolkit demystified Seminar
Nov 07, 2011 - 11:00 Andrew Larkoski Angular Correlations in High Energy Collisions Seminar Slides
Nov 15, 2011 - 11:00 Martin Spinrath From flavour to SUSY flavour models Seminar
Nov 16, 2011 - 11:00 Michal Praszalowicz Geometrical scaling at the LHC Seminar
Nov 17, 2011 - 14:30 Joe Lykken - Frank Wuerthwein Stops at the LHC
Nov 18, 2011 - 14:00 Daniele Alves Higgs, Binos and Gluinos: Split Susy Within Reach Seminar
Nov 22, 2011 - 11:00 Matti Heikinheimo Dirac gluinos at the LHC Seminar
Nov 23, 2011 - 11:00 Yue Zhang Dark matter as the trigger of strong electroweak phase transition Seminar