
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute


Resurgence and Modularity in QFT and String Theory

Apr 08, 2024 - May 17, 2024

Modularity is a particularly powerful symmetry with many applications in theoretical physics and mathematics, in particular quantum field theory and string theory. Resurgence is a general framework for advanced asymptotics which effectively unifies perturbative and non-perturbative physics via an intricate network of algebraic relations known as Ecalle’s bridge equations. Modularity and resurgence overlap strongly in the goal of exploring non-perturbative completions of perturbative data, leading to profound new insights into the connection between weak coupling and strong coupling, and in the study of dualities, black holes and quantum gravity. The goal of this GGI Workshop is to bring together experts from these two frontier areas in theoretical and mathematical physics to foster further interaction between different scientific communities and to develop novel strategies to address truly significant problems.

Focus topics include:
- Modular graph forms and the low-energy expansion of string theory.
- Resurgence, duality and modularity in AdS/CFT.
- Automorphic forms and non-perturbative scattering amplitudes.
- Resurgence and (Mock)-modularity in 3d Chern-Simons theories.
- Exact results in localizable superconformal quantum field theories.
- Resurgence and modularity in black holes and quantum information.

The GGI environment is ideal for starting new collaborations, and learning new methods. A particular goal of the workshop is to attract outstanding junior scientists to this field. We plan a week-long introductory school at the beginning of the workshop, and a one-week conference later in the workshop. Junior scientists will be given priority in presenting their current work in informal “chalk talks” throughout the workshop.

Daniele Dorigoni (Durham University) daniele.dorigoni@durham.ac.uk
Gerald Dunne (University of Connecticut) gerald.dunne@uconn.edu
Michael Green (DAMTP, Cambridge) mbg15@cam.ac.uk
Luca Griguolo (University of Parma) luca.griguolo@unipr.it
Sarah Harrison (Northeastern University) s.harrison@northeastern.edu
Yasuyuki Hatsuda (Rikkyo University, Japan) yhatsuda@rikkyo.ac.jp
Axel Kleinschmidt (Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam) axel.kleinschmidt@aei.mpg.de
Sameer Murthy (King’s College London) sameer.murthy@kcl.ac.uk
Anne Taormina (Durham University) anne.taormina@durham.ac.uk

Local organizer
Li Gan (GGI)


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Date Speaker Title Type Useful Links
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Resonant resurgence and quasi-modularity from QFT

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Modular properties of brane scattering from integrated correlators

Integrated correlators in N=4 SYM represent a powerful tool to obtain exact results in the coupling constant, and can be used as constraints for dual scattering amplitudes in AdS. In this talk we consider a correlation function in presence of determinant operators, which in the planar limit are heavy operators realizing a giant graviton D3-brane in the dual space. We compute their integrated correlator via supersymmetric localization exactly in the 't Hooft coupling, interpreting such results as the integrated disc and annulus amplitudes from the worldsheet perspective. Next, we derive the SL(2,Z) completion of the result, that nicely matches the holographic expectations for string/brane scattering amplitude. In the end, we discuss the differences with respect to integrated correlators in presence of line defects, which are dual to extended (p,q)-string scattering and transform non-trivially under SL(2,Z). Based on arxiv:2403.17263 and arxiv:2308.16575

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Modularity and resurgence in Calabi-Yau compactifications

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May 16, 2024 - 14:30-15:40 Claudia Rella Strong-weak symmetry and quantum modularity of resurgent topological strings Seminar

Strong-weak symmetry and quantum modularity of resurgent topological strings

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May 17, 2024 - 11:00-12:00 Paolo Gregori Non-perturbative Topological Recursion in Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity Seminar

Non-perturbative Topological Recursion in Jackiw-Teitelboim Gravity

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