
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute

Focus Week

Supergravity, the next 10 years

Sep 07, 2016 - Sep 09, 2016


This is a kick-off  conference for the workshop "Supergravity: what next?". The important objectives for supergravity research in the next years will be discussed. This conference is expected to prompt a first exchange of ideas and to promote an energetic start of activities of the workshop.

  • Cosmological applications to inflationary scenarios in relation with new observational data.
  • Exceptional structures of supergravity, exotic branes, and non-geometric fluxes.
  • Extensions of presently-known supergravities, including higher-derivative, or Dirac--Born--Infeld actions.
  • Quantum supergravity, including the conclusions to be drawn from  surprising finiteness results.
  • Solutions of supergravity equations, including black holes and domain walls and implications for gauge-gravity dualities.
  • Mathematical aspects of supergravity, including hidden symmetries and dualities.

This event is co-organized by COST-MP1210 "The String Theory Universe" 


Invited  speakers
Zvi Bern, Bernard de Wit, Mahdi Godazgar,  Bernard Julia, Andrei Linde, Michela Petrini, Fabio Riccioni, Jan Rosseel, Marco Scalisi, John Schwarz, Kostas Skenderis, Alessandro Tomasiello, Bert Vercnocke, Timm Wrase



Eric Bergshoe ff (Groningen U.), Anna Ceresole (INFN Turin), Gianguido DallAgata (Padua U.), Sergio Ferrara (CERN), Renata Kallosh (Stanford U.), Henning Samtleben (Lyon U. & ENS), Antoine Van Proeyen (KU Leuven)

Local organizer

Main event
Supergravity: what next? (Workshop) - Sep 05, 2016

Date Speaker Title Type Useful Links
Sep 08, 2016 - 11:00 Timm Wrase Constrained Superfields in Supergravity and String Theory Talk Slides
Sep 08, 2016 - 12:00 Bert Vernocke The power of supergravity solutions Talk Slides
Sep 08, 2016 - 14:30 Bernard de Wit The c-map beyond the classical level Talk Slides
Sep 08, 2016 - 15:30 Fabio Riccioni Exotic branes and P-fluxes Talk Slides