
The Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI), founded in 2005 by the partnership between the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the University of Florence, has been the first European Institute dedicated to organizing and hosting long-term workshops dedicated to theoretical physics of fundamental interactions. A Launching Committee was appointed to advise about scientific and management structures and suggest criteria for the formation of the Scientific and Advisory Committees. The members of the Launching Committee were David Gross, Giuseppe Marchesini, Alfred Mueller, Giorgio Parisi and Gabriele Veneziano (chair). The GGI was established in a building of the University of Florence on the historic hill of Arcetri, near the house where Galileo spent the last period of his life and died in 1642.

Since 2006 the GGI has been running on average three long-term workshops every year together with conferences and training or focus weeks. In addition, starting from 2013 four PhD schools have been organized every year on different domains of theoretical physics: string theory (this is the pioneering school organized at the GGI since 2008), theory of fundamental interactions, statistical field theory, nuclear and hadronic physics. In 2019 a fifth school on theoretical aspects of astroparticle physics, cosmology and gravitation has been added. Each school lasts two-three weeks during winter and aims at providing lectures on theoretical physics covering both basic as well as advanced topics. The courses of the GGI schools are officially part of the Italian PhD training program for the Universities that join the initiative.

In 2018 the GGI became "Centro Nazionale di Studi Avanzati dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare" (National Center for Advanced Studies of INFN), once again in partnership with the University of Florence. The Institute thus confirmed its status as a reference point for the international scientific community and as a site dedicated to high-level training of young Italian and foreign researchers. The basic referent of the Center is the INFN National Scientific Committee for Theoretical Physics, which gives its full support to favour the activities of the Institute. Support to its initiatives is also provided by a grant of the Simons Foundation. Workshop proposals, every year, are selected by the GGI Scientific Committee.

Beside its institutional activities, the GGI hosts short term events like conferences, meetings and schools proposed by the international scientific community and selected by the GGI Council. In addition, a long-term visiting scientist program is active. Finally, researchers planning to carry on their research activity at the GGI on a regular basis can apply for the GGI Affiliated Membership.

In 2019, the "Galileo Galilei Medal" award was established. It is assigned every two years to one or more scientists who, in the 25 years before the date of the award, have achieved outstanding results in theoretical physics.

Invited speakers and other contributors to the GGI activities will be equally considered regardless of gender, nationality and ethnic or social origin. The GGI strongly discourage discrimination, harassment and any kind of disrespectful behaviour, actively encouraging friendly and respectful interactions among the participants, and endeavouring to provide a comfortable and professional work environement.

GGI Video Presentation

The "2023 Women in Theoretical Physics" National Award Ceremony

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On October 8th, the Award Ceremony for the "Women in Theoretical Physics” INFN Prize dedicated to Milla Baldo Ceolin will be held at GGI.
The winners will give a brief talk on their research described in their Master degree thesis in theoretical Physics.
The INFN President, the members of the Executive Board and the president of the Scientific Commission for Theoretical Physics will attend the ceremony.

Program and more info

Theory Meets Experiments "Neutrinoless double beta decay: the experimental programme and its fundamental and nuclear theory connections"

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The school is part of the series "Theory meets Experiment". It will have a light-weight format, with lectures in the morning from experts in the sector of 0n2b and covering various techniques/isotopes/challenges/backgrounds.
Also the general theory landscape and model building connected to BSM linked to 0n2b, and issues related with Nuclear Matrix Element computation will be illustrated.

A partial financial support is foreseen for the selected applicants.

Deadline: Sep 30, 2024
Postponed to 15 Oct, 2024

Apply online

3 BOOST Fellowships for new PhD graduates in Physics

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The GGI is offering 3 fellowships aimed at new PhD graduates in Physics who intend to carry out research in “Theory of the Fundamental Interactions”.
The scientific activities of the fellows, starting from January 1st, 2025, will be supervised by the GGI Director and by an external tutor.
The deadline for applications is Sept. 15, 2024

Apply online, call n°26963

Lectures by the Nobel Laureate Takaaki Kajita at the GGI

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On June 27th and 28th, at 9:30, Takaaki Kajita will give two lectures on "A path to discovery: neutrinos and gravitational waves" during the "Neutrino Frontiers" program at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics (GGI), Arcetri

The 2nd edition of "Il Senso delle Stelle"

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The final phase of GRASPING THE COSMOS will consist in the presentation of the 2nd edition of "Il Senso delle Stelle", with the participation of an artist at the GGI PhD School "Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation." This year the selected artist is Daniela De Paulis , whose multimedia practice combines performance, sound and video focusing on the concept of Space, through the filter of radio astronomy, neuroscience and cosmology.
More info about the GRASPING THE COSMOS project
The final exhibition born out of the dialogue between the artist and the topics of the school will take place at Villa Galileo from May 4 to 26.
Public program available here

Call for “Theory meets Experiments” PhD School at the GGI

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Due to the success of the last year edition of the we are now opening a new call for the 2024 TmE School.
Proposals should be submitted by May 31, 2024 by filling this application form

The programme will cover 2 weeks, from November 11 to November 22, 2024 and will be attended by PhD students selected among the theoretical and experimental communities

Previous News


We are collecting the preprints which aknowledge the GGI. If your preprint is not in the list please submit it here.

GGI Youtube channel

This Youtube channel collects lectures and talks video-recorded during GGI programs.

Lectures for PhD students

In our archive we have collected many lectures covering the main topics in theoretical physics given by the greatest experts in the field at the GGI schools.
Here the suggestions for this week (please refer to the corresponding GGI School for lecture notes or additional material).