
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute


Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

Feb 20, 2017 - Mar 04, 2017


The school is primarily addressed toPh.D. students in theoretical physics, yet the lectures are also suitable for experimentalists. Participation of post-docs is also encouraged. The goal of the school is to provide an introduction to the basic concepts and tools in the fields of hadronic physics and high energy nuclear physics as well as to advanced research topics.


 E. Swanson: QCD and Exotic hadron spectroscopy A. Accardi: The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider J. Wambach: Meson propagation in nuclear matter O. Philipsen: Lattice QCD at finite temperature I. Karpenko: Relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions A. Beraudo: Heavy quarks and hard probes in relativistic heavy ion collisions K. Fukushima: Magnetic effects in relativistic heavy ion collisions.


Francesco Becattini (University of Florence), Angela Bonaccorso (INFN - Pisa), Ignazio Bombaci (University of Pisa), Maria Colonna (INFN - LNS), Marzia Nardi (INFN - Torino), Gianni Salmè (INFN - Roma1) , Elena Santopinto (INFN - Genova), Enrico Vigezzi (INFN - Milano)



Date Speaker Title Type Useful Links
Feb 20, 2017 - 09:00-11:00 E. Swanson QCD and Exotic hadron spectroscopy Lecture Slides Video
Feb 20, 2017 - 11:00-13:00 A. Accardi The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider Lecture

The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider

Quarks, gluons, hadrons - Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)T - DIS revisited -Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)- QCD factorization, universality of PDFs - DIS, Drell-Yan (DY) lepton pairs, W and Z production, hadronic jets, ...- Choices, choices, choices...- Errors: statistic, systematic, theory uncertainties- Examples and applications -Parton distributions from protons to nuclei - The Electron-Ion Collider: tackling QCD from the inside ou

Slides Video
Feb 21, 2017 - 09:00-11:00 E. Swanson QCD and Exotic hadron spectroscopy Lecture Slides Video
Feb 21, 2017 - 11:00-13:00 A. Accardi The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider Lecture

The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider

Quarks, gluons, hadrons - Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)T - DIS revisited -Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)- QCD factorization, universality of PDFs - DIS, Drell-Yan (DY) lepton pairs, W and Z production, hadronic jets, ...- Choices, choices, choices...- Errors: statistic, systematic, theory uncertainties- Examples and applications -Parton distributions from protons to nuclei - The Electron-Ion Collider: tackling QCD from the inside ou

Slides Video
Feb 22, 2017 - 09:00-11:00 A. Accardi The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider Lecture

The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider

Quarks, gluons, hadrons - Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)T - DIS revisited -Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)- QCD factorization, universality of PDFs - DIS, Drell-Yan (DY) lepton pairs, W and Z production, hadronic jets, ...- Choices, choices, choices...- Errors: statistic, systematic, theory uncertainties- Examples and applications -Parton distributions from protons to nuclei - The Electron-Ion Collider: tackling QCD from the inside ou

Slides Video
Feb 22, 2017 - 11:00-13:00 J. Wambach Meson propagation in nuclear matter Lecture

Meson propagation in nuclear matter

) Strong­Interaction Matter: Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions, Quantum­Chromodynamics, The QCD Phase  Diagram, The Functional Renormalization Group II) Hadrons in QCD Matter: The Role of Photons, Dileptons in Heavy­Ion Collisions, Spectral­Functions from the FRG

Slides Video
Feb 23, 2017 - 09:00-11:00 J. Wambach Meson propagation in nuclear matter Lecture

Meson propagation in nuclear matter

I) Strong­Interaction Matter: Thermodynamics, Phase Transitions, Quantum­Chromodynamics, The QCD Phase  Diagram, The Functional Renormalization Group II) Hadrons in QCD Matter: The Role of Photons, Dileptons in Heavy­Ion Collisions, Spectral­Functions from the FRG

Slides Video
Feb 23, 2017 - 11:00-13:00 E. Swanson QCD and Exotic hadron spectroscopy Lecture Slides Video
Feb 23, 2017 - 15:00 M. Pappagallo Hadron Spectroscopy Techniques Seminar

Hadron Spectroscopy Techniques

The latest years have seen a resurrection of interest in the searches for exotic states. Experimental techniques and methods, which led to the observation of Z(4430)+, Pc(4450)+ and other exotic hadrons, will be presented

Feb 24, 2017 - 09:00-11:00 A. Accardi The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider Lecture

The partonic structure of protons and nuclei: from current facilities to the Electron-Ion Collider

Quarks, gluons, hadrons - Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)T - DIS revisited -Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs)- QCD factorization, universality of PDFs - DIS, Drell-Yan (DY) lepton pairs, W and Z production, hadronic jets, ...- Choices, choices, choices...- Errors: statistic, systematic, theory uncertainties- Examples and applications -Parton distributions from protons to nuclei - The Electron-Ion Collider: tackling QCD from the inside ou

Slides Video
Feb 24, 2017 - 11:00-13:00 E. Swanson QCD and Exotic hadron spectroscopy Lecture Slides Video
Feb 27, 2017 - 09:00 O. Philipsen Lattice QCD at finite temperature Seminar

Lattice QCD at finite temperature

QCD at finite T in the continuum  (formal aspects leading to the Linde problem etc.) Lattice QCD at zero and finite T Ideal gases in weak and strong coupling, center and chiral symmetries, QCD equation of state Screening masses, free energy of static quark and anti­quark pairs Phase transitions in general + the thermal transition in QCD at zero density Finite density on the lattice and constraints on the phase diagram

Feb 27, 2017 - 10:00 O. Philipsen Lattice QCD at finite temperature Seminar

Lattice QCD at finite temperature

QCD at finite T in the continuum  (formal aspects leading to the Linde problem etc.) Lattice QCD at zero and finite T Ideal gases in weak and strong coupling, center and chiral symmetries, QCD equation of state Screening masses, free energy of static quark and anti­quark pairs Phase transitions in general + the thermal transition in QCD at zero density Finite density on the lattice and constraints on the phase diagram

Feb 27, 2017 - 11:00 Karpenko Relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions Seminar

Relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions

Ideal hydrodynamics:  Non­relativistic elativistic Viscous hydrodynamics: Non­relativistic (Navier­Stokes) , r elativistic Navier­Stokes Israel­Stewart formulation Initial state: Glauber, other options Equation of state

Freezing­out (Cooper­Frye

Feb 27, 2017 - 12:00 Karpenko Relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions Seminar

Relativistic hydrodynamics and its application to relativistic heavy ion collisions

Some history and some general ideas Ideal hydrodynamics:  Non­relativistic elativistic Viscous hydrodynamics: Non­relativistic (Navier­Stokes) , r elativistic Navier­Stokes Israel­Stewart formulation Initial state: Glauber, other options Equation of state

Freezing­out (Cooper­Frye