Holographic Methods for Strongly Coupled Systems
Mar 09, 2015 - Apr 30, 2015The methods of holography - the mapping between quantum field theories and higher dimensional theories of gravity - have reached a mature development stage, where they can be used as tools to understand strongly interacting systems arising in a variety of important physical problems. Formal developments (for instance in the light of integrability) beautifully complement applications towards experimentally accessible systems, at low energy (condensed matter) as well as at high-energy (QCD, electroweak symmetry breaking, dynamical supersymmetry breaking). In view of relevant data coming from LHC experiments as well as of the discovery of novel materials which evade standard descriptions based on weakly interacting quasi-particles (e.g. strange metals, high-Tc superconductors, topological insulators) together with the development of advanced techniques (from nanotechnologies to cold atoms simulations) which have opened new windows to the study of non-equilibrium physics, it is crucial for the international community of theoretical physicists to identify priorities and coordinate efforts to better understand these phenomena.
Moreover, recent developments have highlighted the power of holography to analyze entanglement issues, which have attracted much attention for their relevance in condensed matter systems, information theory and gravity.
With this aim in mind, the Workshop will be mainly focused on applications of the holographic correspondence to particle, nuclear, condensed matter and gravitational physics. The goal would be to coordinate the research activity on the field, to identify objectives and priorities and to encourage and facilitate international collaborations.
A conference will be organized within the Workshop.
- Dates of the Conference:
April 13, 2015 - April 17, 2015
- Holographic QCD
- Holography and condensed matter
- Holography and out of equilibrium physics
- Holography, entanglement and information
- Holography and cosmology
- Advances in supersymmetric gauge theories and integrability
Francesco Bigazzi, (INFN, Pisa, Italy), Aldo L. Cotrone (Firenze University, Italy), Nick Evans (Southampton University, U.K.), Elias Kiritsis (Crete University, Greece and APC, France), Hong Liu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.),
Carlos Nunez (Swansea University, U.K.), Kostas Skenderis (Southampton University, U.K.)
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Anomalies, Chern-Simons Terms and Black Hole Entropy
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Mar 26, 2015 - 11:30 | Erik Tonni | Aspects of entanglement of/between disjoint regions in CFT and holography | Seminar |
Aspects of entanglement of/between disjoint regions in CFT and holography
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Mar 27, 2015 - 11:30 | Cynthia Keeler | A Caveat for Applied Holography | Seminar |
A Caveat for Applied Holography
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Mar 30, 2015 - 15:00 | Nick Evans | Vacuum Alignment in Holographic Graphene | Seminar |
Vacuum Alignment in Holographic Graphene
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Mar 31, 2015 - 11:30 | Amihay Hanany | Coulomb Branch Hilbert Series and the Moduli Space of Instantons | Seminar |
Coulomb Branch Hilbert Series and the Moduli Space of Instantons
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Apr 01, 2015 - 11:30 | Dario Martelli | Exact results in supersymmetric field theories and holography | Seminar |
Exact results in supersymmetric field theories and holography
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2d N=(2,2) supersymmetry on curved space and localization on spheres
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Apr 03, 2015 - 11:30 | Andrei Starinets | Universal identity in second order fluid dynamics | Seminar |
Universal identity in second order fluid dynamics
In 2008, Haack and Yarom demonstrated that there exists a relation |
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Apr 07, 2015 - 15:00 | Kostas Skenderis | Renormalised 3-point functions in CFT | Seminar |
Renormalised 3-point functions in CFT
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Apr 08, 2015 - 11:30 | Riccardo Argurio | Holography and the dynamical breaking of supersymmetry | Seminar | Slides | ||||
Apr 09, 2015 - 11:30 | Michela Petrini | Marginal deformations of N=1 SCFT from geometry | Seminar | |||||
Apr 10, 2015 - 11:30 | Alessandro Tomasiello | New 6d superconformal models from string theory, and their compactifications | Seminar |
New 6d superconformal models from string theory, and their compactifications
I will describe three infinite classes of analytic AdS_d solutions in massive IIA string theory, for d=7,5,4. The AdS7 solutions are conjectured to be dual to a family of (1,0)-supersymmetric CFT6’s living on an NS5-D6-D8 system. The AdS5 and AdS4 classes are dual to twisted compactifications of these (1,0) theories; their metrics and fluxes can be obtained by a simple universal map from the AdS7 ones. I will then mention an F-theoretical extension of the 6d CFT’s, which as a byproduct suggests the existence of “fractional M5-branes”. |
Apr 20, 2015 - 11:30 | Hans Dosch | Superconformal Quantum Mechanics and Light Front Holographic QCD | Seminar |
Superconformal Quantum Mechanics and Light Front Holographic QCD
An effective QCD light-front Hamiltonian for mesons and baryons is constructed from generalized supercharges of a superconformal algebra. The introduction of a scale inside the algebra fixes completely the light-front potential from a common general principle. The method can be applied in two formally very similar, but physically distinct ways. On one hand the supercharges can transform the different chiral components of the baryons into each other, on the other hand the positive chiral component of a baryon can be related with a meson wave function. With this construction the striking similarities between meson and baryon spectroscopy are explained. In particular the pion/b1 trajectory is identified as the superpartner of the nucleon trajectory. The lowest-lying state, however, on this trajectory, the pi-meson, is massless in the chiral limit and has no supersymmetric partner. Some preliminary results for the case of explicit breaking of conformal symmetry by (large) quark masses are presented. |
Apr 20, 2015 - 15:00 | Konstantin Zarembo | Phase transitions, exact results and holography in N=2* theory | Seminar | |||||
Apr 21, 2015 - 11:30 | Gregory Korchemsky | Four-point correlation function of stress-energy tensors in AdS/CFT | Seminar | |||||
Apr 22, 2015 - 11:30 | Hong Liu | An upper bound on ballistic propagation of entanglement | Seminar | |||||
Apr 23, 2015 - 11:30 | Roberto Emparan | Black holes in the 1/D expansion | Seminar |
Black holes in the 1/D expansion
When the number of dimensions is very large, the gravitational field of a black hole is strongly localized near the horizon. Therefore in this limit the black hole can be effectively identified with a surface in an empty background geometry. The Einstein equations determines the effective equations that this "black hole surface" must satisfy. When the black hole is static, they are the same as the equations for soap films. I will describe how this new effective theory of black holes can be used to solve for non-trivial black hole geometries in a very efficient way. |
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Apr 24, 2015 - 11:30 | Giuseppe D’Appollonio | String-brane collisions: tidal excitations and time delays | Seminar |
String-brane collisions: tidal excitations and time delays
We review some recent work on the high-energy scattering of a closed string on a stack of D-branes. We first discuss the (tidal) excitation of the massive string modes and show that the inelastic transition amplitudes are all given by the matrix elements of a particularly simple operator, the eikonal operator. We then analyze the time delay of the string-brane scattering process and show that the potential causality violations due to higher-derivative corrections to the Einstein-Hilbert action recently pointed out by Camanho et al. do not occur in string theory as a consequence of its Regge behaviour. |
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Apr 27, 2015 - 15:00 | Giuseppe Policastro | Boost-invariant flow on non-conformal plasmas | Seminar |
Boost-invariant flow on non-conformal plasmas
I will report on a generalization of the Bjorken flow, a solution of hydrodynamics under the assumption of boost-invariance, whose dual gravity solution was found by Janik and Peschanski, to a class of non-conformal theories described by an Einstein+dilaton model in the bulk. The results could be relevant to the thermalization of the quark-gluon plasma of QCD. |
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Apr 28, 2015 - 11:30 | Carlos Hoyos | Ward identities and transport in 2+1 dimensions | Seminar |
Ward identities and transport in 2+1 dimensions
The Hall viscosity of chiral superfluids is determined by the angular momentum density. One can understand and generalize this relation using Ward identities of the energy-momentum tensor. Furthermore, the same identities connect viscosities and conductivities. A preliminary analysis in AdS/CFT reveals that the identities seem to be non-trivial in the sense that they cannot be derived simply from the asymptotic expansion of the solutions. |
Apr 29, 2015 - 11:30 | Javier Tarrio | Instabilities of finite density SYM theories from holography | Seminar |
Instabilities of finite density SYM theories from holography
Gauge field configurations carrying instanton number on the worldvolume of probe branes on the geometry of a stack of Dp-branes are dual to scalar operators with non-trivial vacuum expectation values in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. This configurations do not change the free energy of the theory and therefore describe a moduli space: the Higgs branch. In the presence of a large charge density the background geometry changes, and the moduli space is lifted. We will investigate whether in the probe limit the configurations with non-trivial VEVs of the scalar operators are energetically preferred and signal an instability of the setup to a phase with condensation. |
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Apr 30, 2015 - 11:30 | Francesco Nitti | Holographic RG flows and quantum effective actions (with applications to QCD) | Seminar |