
Event at Galileo Galilei Institute


Foundations and Applications of Relativistic Hydrodynamics

Apr 14, 2025 - May 16, 2025

Relativistic fluid dynamics is a powerful universal effective theory that plays a crucial role in understanding physical systems under extreme conditions of temperature and density. These include the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions, matter in the early universe, colliding neutron stars, and black holes in the holographic gauge-string duality. Despite its interdisciplinary applicability and long history, the scope and foundations of relativistic hydrodynamics remain active research areas today. This workshop is dedicated to gather physicists with different expertise, those committed in applying relativistic hydrodynamics to heavy-ion phenomenology and astrophysics, alongside with researchers focusing on the foundational aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics. The aim is to foster a collaborative environment that encourages a synergic and efficient exchange of ideas from complementary realms to accelerate progress on timely problems in relativistic hydrodynamics. The experimental results and phenomenology can guide theoretical advances of relativistic hydrodynamics towards real-world applications.

• Quantum effects and effective field theories for hydrodynamics
• Heavy ion collisions and hydrodynamics at high energy and near the QCD critical point
• Spin and hydrodynamics
• Stability and causality in hydrodynamics
• General relativity and hydrodynamics
• Bootstrap techniques and gauge/gravity duality for hydrodynamics

Francesco Becattini (U. of Florence, Italy);
Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan U., Shanghai, China);
Jorge Noronha (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA);
Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva (U. of Florence, Italy);
Dirk Rischke (U. of Frankfurt, Germany);

Local organizer
Francesco Becattini (U. of Florence, Italy)


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Foundations and Applications of Relativistic Hydrodynamics (Focus Week) - May 12, 2025